Turkmenistan Showcases Transport Potential at Brussels Investors Forum

Turkmenistan Showcases Transport Potential at Brussels Investors Forum
Seyitguly Bayseidov, Deputy Chairman of the Agency Turkmendenizderyayollary (Turkmen Maritime and River Transport) answers questions at Investors Forum, January 30, 2024, Brussels, Belgium. (Photo: Business Turkmenistan)

As part of the Global Gateway: Sustainable Transport Connectivity between Europe and Central Asia Forum, a dedicated session on Turkmenistan's transport sector convened in Brussels on January 30, 2024.

Key speakers at the session included Seyitguly Bayseidov, Deputy Chairman of Turkmendenizderyayollary (Turkmen Maritime and River Transport); Bekmyrat Ishankuliyev, Deputy Chairman of Turkmendemiryollary (Turkmen Railways); and Merdan Bashimov, Director General of Transport and Logistics Center of Turkmenistan Joint Stock Company. Foreign participants included Samuel Vesterbye, Managing Director of the European Neighbourhood Council (ENC); Henrik Hololei, Hors Classe Adviser, Directorate-General for International Partnerships of the European Commission; Zsuzsanna Hargitai, Managing Director for Central Asia, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development; Hans Hesen, Sales Director, Royal IHC; and Patrick Jeanne, Manager (Senior) of Government and Industry Relations, Cargolux.

In his address, Seyitguly Bayseidov emphasized the significance of the Turkmenbashi Seaport for Central Asia, underscoring its modern infrastructure with a $1.5 billion investment from the Government of Turkmenistan.

Bayseidov outlined plans for constructing various ship types, including dry cargo ships and universal ferries, inviting interested investors to collaborate on these shipbuilding ventures.

Deputy Chairman Bekmyrat Ishankuliyev presented Turkmenistan's logistics strategy and investment projects, focusing on areas such as rolling stock, joint ventures for logistics and cargo transportation expansion, railway system modernization, modern train control systems, and the establishment of joint transport and logistics centers.

Merdan Bashimov, Director General of Transport and Logistics Center OJSC highlighted the potential of the capital's airport cargo terminal to become a leading logistics hub in the region.

Manager (Senior) of Government and Industry Relations, Cargolux, Patrick Jeanne, speaking at Global Gateway Investors Forum, January 30, 2024, Brussels, Belgium. (Photo: Business Turkmenistan)

Bashimov invited international investors to participate in further developing Ashgabat International Airport, expanding the cargo terminal capacity, enhancing passenger flow, and establishing a multimodal hub.

Bashimov also discussed opportunities for investment in acquiring various types of dry cargo ships, tankers, and wagons for joint operations.

The Global Gateway: Sustainable Transport Connectivity between Europe and Central Asia Forum, held in Brussels on January 29-30, aimed to transform the Trans-Caspian Transport Corridor into a competitive, sustainable, smart, and efficient multimodal route linking the two regions within 15 days.

March 16, 2025