Turkmenistan Invites CIS Countries to Central Asia Security Meeting

Turkmenistan Invites CIS Countries to Central Asia Security Meeting
Meeting of the CIS Council of Heads of State, October 13, 2023, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan (Photo: Press Service of the President of Uzbekistan)

President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov at the CIS Heads of State Summit in Bishkek on Friday invited the CIS countries to the first Meeting of the Central Asia Security Conference to be held in Ashgabat next year, the official Turkmen media reports.

The Head of State emphasised the relevance of Turkmenistan's proposal to establish the Conference on Security in Central Asia under the auspices of the UN for cooperation within the Commonwealth.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasised the primary objective of the Meeting, which is to foster the development of approaches and solutions that facilitate the convergence and synchronisation of efforts among Central Asian countries, other interested states, international organisations, and financial and economic institutions. The ultimate aim is to ensure sustainable and conflict-free development of the region.

In addition, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov confirmed the initiative to develop a Global Security Strategy, which he announced at the 78th session of the UN General Assembly in September this year.

During the summit, Turkmen President also proposed to address matters of debt obligations and mutual settlements.