
“Turkmenhimiya” re-announces tender for the purchase needs of iodine plant "Bereket"

“Turkmenhimiya” State Concern on behalf of the tender Commission re-announces


for the purchase of products for the needs of iodine plant "Bereket" on the following lots:

Lot № 1 – Pipes, Metals and Metal Products.

Lot № 2 – General, technological equipment.

Lot № 5 – Chemical products and auxiliary materials.

You are invited to the address Turkmenhimiya SC:

  • submit a written application (from companies registered or having Bank accounts in offshore zones, applications are not accepted) about the desire to participate in the tender with the full name of the participant, its legal status, country of registration and details;
  • be familiar with the Law of Turkmenistan "On tenders for the supply of goods, performance of works, rendering of services for state needs", the statement of the "Rules of the tender" and the list of documents required for participation in the tender.
  • receive an invoice for payment of funds in the amount of 200 US dollars or the equivalent in manats (without excluding VAT and Bank costs) for one Lot for participation in the tender free of charge;

The account for the transfer of funds will be specified when submitting a written application.

Tender proposals are accepted from 9.00 to 17.00, within 30 (thirty) work days, 10.00 (local time).

Information phones: 39-01-83, 39-01-71, 39-01-82, 39-01-14.

Archabil Avenue 132, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
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