Turkmenistan, Balkanabat, T.Satylov Street, block 150, building 59
The Ministry of Textile Industry announces tender for the production of chemical fiber in the textile factory
The Ministry of Textile Industry of Turkmenistan announces the extension of the INTERNATIONAL TENDER for the organization of the production of chemical fiber in the territory of the Baherden textile factory named after Saparmurat Turkmenbashi the Great.
In the prescribed manner, all local and foreign companies with experience in the supply and installation of technological equipment are invited to participate in the tender. All interested parties are invited to:
- submit a written application for participation in the tender indicating the full name of the participant, legal status and other details;
- become familiar with the procedure for holding the tender for the organization of production of chemical fiber;
- receive technical specifications for the organization of chemical fiber production;
- pay for participation in the tender 345 (three hundred forty-five) US dollars, including 15% VAT.
Applications are accepted at the specified address. Tender proposals will be considered only after the transfer of funds for participation in the current account.
Tender proposals are accepted until 20.08.2019.
Information phones: 40-71-57, 40-71-77.
Garashsyzlyk shayoly, 96, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
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