Türkmennebit Reannounces International Tender for Purchase of Specialized Equipment
The Administration of the Balkan Province Announces a Tender for the Supply of Laboratory Equipment
The Administration of the Balkan Province, on behalf of the Regional Capital Construction Department and as part of the state’s centralized capital investments in accordance with the National Rural Program, announces a tender for the selection of contractors for the reconstruction of boiler houses in the cities of Balkanabat and Turkmenbashi
Enterprises and organizations officially registered in Turkmenistan are invited to participate in the tender.
To participate in the tender, it is necessary:
- To submit a written application for participation in the tender, indicating the full name of the company, legal status, information on official registration in Turkmenistan;
- Information about submitted construction projects in Turkmenistan for the last 3 years;
- Information on the financial and technical condition of the company;
- For private enterprises it is necessary to provide a copy of registration certificate of membership in the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan;
Tender proposals are accepted from the date of publication of the tender until December 31, 2024.
Information phones:
+993 (222) 2-01-15
+993 (222) 2-01-04
+993 (222) 2-01-16
Gurbansoltan Eje Avenue, 14, Balkanabat city, Balkan province, Turkmenistan
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