Turkmenistan Issues Passports to 1,146 New Citizens

Turkmenistan Issues Passports to 1,146 New Citizens
Passport issuance ceremony for individuals granted citizenship of Turkmenistan, September 25, 2024, Ashgabat.

On Wednesday, by the order of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, a formal ceremony was held at the State Migration Service to issue passports to new citizens of Turkmenistan.

According to Turkmen official media, the event was organized to coincide with the 33rd anniversary of the country’s independence.

Under the decree signed by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov during an extended Cabinet of Ministers meeting on Friday, 1,146 people from 29 nationalities residing in Turkmenistan were granted citizenship. Additionally, under another Presidential resolution, 134 individuals from six countries representing 15 nationalities were granted residence permits in Turkmenistan.

Participants of the ceremony expressed heartfelt gratitude to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov for addressing the issues of stateless individuals and for fostering conditions that support their well-being.

To date, 32,144 individuals have been granted Turkmen citizenship, while 5,152 foreign nationals and stateless persons have received residency permits.