47,600 Tons of Potatoes To Be Harvested in Dashoguz

47,600 Tons of Potatoes To Be Harvested in Dashoguz
Farmers of Dashoguz velayat plan to collect at least 47.6 thousand 600 tons of the crop

In Dashoguz 12 thousand tons of potatoes have been harvested since the beginning of the year. It makes one fourth of annual plan for this year.  

The leader in the production of potato in the region is the Gurbansoltan Eje etrap, where farmers aim to receive 12.6 thousand tons of crop from 9 hundred hectares and exceed last year's indicator with 3 thousand tons. Farmers have already procured about 5 thousand tons of tubers.

Farmers of S.A. Niyazov etrap intend to receive about 10 thousand tons of tubers from an area of ​​7 hundred hectares.

The Garashsyzlyk gengeshlik of Boldumsaz etrap is one of the largest agricultural farms for growing vegetables in addition to wheat and cotton where 15 hectares of potatoes were grown this year. Local farmers plan to harvest 210 tons of crop from these fields.

During this year, farmers of Dashoguz velayat plan to collect at least 47.6 thousand tons of the potatoes, an average of 140 centners from each of 3.4 thousand hectares.

Also, early harvest of onion has already started  in this velayat. Local farmers have harvested about 3 thousand tons; 20 percent of the annual plan.

Dashoguz velayat is the largest supplier to the country's trade network of various types of horticultural crops, making a significant contribution to the implementation of the state program to saturate the internal market with high-quality food products of domestic production.

March 16, 2025