Diýar Guşy to Supply Local Farms With Broiler Chickens

Diýar Guşy to Supply Local Farms With Broiler Chickens
The farm complex of the Diýar Guşy includes an incubator, 16 breeding farms and four chicken farms

Diýar Guşy Economic Society is preparing to commission the complex of broiler chicken production farms (ROSS-308) in the Kaka etrap of Ahal velayat.

The farm complex of the Diýar Guşy, a member of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, includes an incubator, 16 breeding farms and four chicken farms, which are equipped with machinery from Turkish and Belgian producers.

The company plans to lay 90% of the eggs obtained from chickens in breeding farms in an incubator and from 80% of the eggs to raise chickens.

The complex is capable of producing 25 million broiler chickens per year.

At the feed factory, the construction of which is nearing completion on the territory of the complex, the Diýar Guşy plans to produce special feed for laying hens.

The broiler chickens are currently imported mainly from Turkey. Using its production potential, the company envisages providing local poultry farms with chickens.

Acting on the basis of the import-substituting production program, the company plans to fully meet the local demand and export surplus products to neighboring countries.

Diýar Guşy’s farm complex will start production in early 2020.

March 16, 2025