Revenue of Spinning Mill in Baherden Tops 41 Million Manats

Revenue of Spinning Mill in Baherden Tops 41 Million Manats
Most of the yarn produced at the enterprise is exported to foreign countries.

The spinning mill named after Great Saparmurat Turkmenbashi, located in Baherden etrap of Turkmenistan’s Ahal velayat, produced over 41.9 million manats worth of products in the first half of this year, the Ministry of Textile Industry of Turkmenistan, the owner of the factory, reported on Friday.

The growth rate of the enterprise’s work amounted to 107.4%, according to the report.

Most of the yarn produced at the enterprise is exported to foreign countries.

Founded in 1995, the spinning mill in Baherden is one of the first enterprises in the textile industry in Turkmenistan. The spinning mill produces yarns No. 27/1, No. 34/1 and No. 51/1, which are in high demand among buyers in the foreign markets.

March 16, 2025