Turkmen Ministry of Textile Industry announces international tender
The Ministry of Textile Industry of Turkmenistan announces an international tender No.DB-02 for the purchase of products for the needs of textile enterprises in the following lots:
Lot No.1 - Accessories and auxiliary materials for sewing production
Lot No.2 - Auxiliary materials for shoe production
All interested parties are invited to:
- submit written application for participation in the tender indicating the full name of the participant, legal status and other details;
- become familiar with the procedure for holding the tender;
- receive technical specifications;
- pay for participation in the tender 345 (three hundred forty-five) US dollars (payment for participation is non-refundable).
The account for the transfer of funds will be indicated upon submitting a written application.
Bids must be delivered to the specified address from the date of publication of the announcement and are accepted for consideration after receipt of funds to the account.
Bids are accepted within 30 (thirty) business days from the date of publication of the tender.
Proposals received later than the deadline will not be accepted and considered.
Phones for information:
+993 12 40-71-67
+993 12 40-71-63