
Argus Coal 2023

Global price reporting agency Argus invites you to take part in the Argus Coal 2023 conference, which will be held on May 25, 2023 in Istanbul.

The event will focus on the restructuring of coal exports amid the changing geopolitical environment, failures in supply chains and global imbalances in energy flows.

Participants will explore the shift in the balance of power between major coal producers in the global market in light of the redistribution of export flows caused by geopolitical factors and increased volatility in energy prices. The conference programme will cover forecasts for coal exports amid Russian suppliers’ rerouting their product to the Mediterranean and Asia-Pacific markets following the EU embargo on Russian coal imports introduced in 2022.

Speakers will pay special attention to the issues of seaborne coal transportation, the establishment of new logistics schemes and the restoration of stable financing for export deals.

The conference will be attended by leading producers and consumers of coal from Europe, Asia and CIS, as well as international trading firms supplying coal to the Mediterranean and Asia-Pacific regions. Metal producers and energy companies, transport operators and stevedoring firms, brokers and forwarders have shown significant interest in this high-level event.

Topics for discussion will include:

  • Changes in coal market depending on geopolitical situation. Geopolitical impact on coal production volumes
  • Changes in the structure of fuel balance in Europe’s power generation industry
  • How will the export landscape change?
  • Turkey as a key hub for coal supplies to global markets
  • Pricing in the global market; the establishment and dynamics of price discount for Russian coal due to geopolitical and regional risks
  • Relations between coal suppliers and buyers amid sanctions in the global market. Issues in the financing and guarantees of stable supplies
  • Forecasts for Russian coal exports to Turkey, India, China and southeast Asia
  • China' s green energy policy: moving towards carbon neutrality
  • New infrastructure projects
  • Redirection of exports from northwest Europe to alternative markets
  • Prospects for coal producers to invest in downstream projects during a perfect storm in the global coal market
  • State of railway infrastructure
  • Freight rates for coal transportation
  • Global need for coking coal: supply and demand balance in Europe and Asia
  • Dynamics of market price differentials. PCI consumption balance

Early Registration rate by 17 March € 1,000.

For more information contact:


Istanbul, Turkiye
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