
Dashoguz province Administration announces tender for construction works

The Administration of Dashoguz province, in accordance with the “National Program of the President of Turkmenistan on the transformation of the social and living conditions of the population of villages, towns, cities of districts and dictrict centers for the period up to 2028”, announces tender for the selection of contractors for the construction and installation of 211.3 km of electricity networks, 1096, 9 km of water supply and 67 km of sewerage systems in the cities and districts of the province, which are included in the list of construction projects financed from centralized capital funds of the state

Officially registered local enterprises of Turkmenistan are invited to participate in the tender.

To participate in the tender parties need to:

  • submit a written application for participation in the tender, indicating the full name of the company, legal status, information about the official registration in Turkmenistan;
  • information on the financial and technical condition of the enterprise;
  • for private companies, it is necessary to provide a copy of the registration certificate of entry into the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan;
  • information regarding the provision of similar services.

Tender proposals are accepted until April 10, 2023

Information phone:

+993 (322) 9-03-02


+993 (322) 9-03-14

Dashoguz city, Dashoguz velayat, Turkmenistan
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