
Turkmen Ministry of Agriculture announces tender for purchase of plant protection chemicals

The Ministry of Agriculture of Turkmenistan announces tender for the purchase of plant protection chemicals for the following lot:

Lot No.1 - Herbicides against dicotyledonous weeds in grain crops; herbicides against rice crops.

Lot No.2 - Preparations for dressing and a set of means for denuding cotton seeds

To participate in the tender, parties must:

  • submit an application for participation in the tender indicating the full name of the participant, his legal status, country of registration, details and information about membership in the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan;
  • get acquainted with the “Rules for conducting a tender for the selection of suppliers of chemicals for the Ministry of Agriculture of Turkmenistan”;
  • receive a package of tender documents after payment for each lot;
  • get the specification of lots and technical requirements.

Bids will be considered only after receipt of funds for participation in the current account.

Applications for participation in the tender are accepted at the Ministry of Agriculture of Turkmenistan from 9.00 to 17.00 local time.

The deadline for submitting bids for all lots is within 30 (thirty) business days from the date of publication of the announcement.

Phones for information:

+993 12 44-77-47

+993 12 44-74-64

Archabil Shayoly 92, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
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