
Turkmendenizderyollary Agency extends tender for the purchase of spare parts

Agency Turkmendenizderyollary (Turkmen Maritime and River Transport) extends an international tender for the purchase of necessary funds for the following lots:

Lot No.4 - Tools and spare parts for rigging equipment at Turkmenbashi International Seaport.

Lot No.5 - Means and spare parts for automobile facilities and the International Seaport of Turkmenbashi emergency technical service.

Interested parties are invited to:

  • submit a written application for participation in the tender indicating the full name of the firm, company, legal status, country of registration of the bidder, postal address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail address and details of the applicant's representative in Turkmenistan, information on the financial position of the company for the last 3 (three) years, detailed information on the experience of the company and its employees;
  • receive a package of tender documents by paying 500 (five hundred) US dollars, including VAT.

The applicant must submit a tender application from the advertisement's publication date until 1 March 2024, no later than 16.00 local time.

All required documents must be in a sealed envelope with the project's name in the upper corner of the envelope and sent to the address below.

The Türkmendeňizderýaýollary is not responsible for any costs incurred by the applicant for participation, preparation and completion of these documents.

Telephone numbers for enquiry:

(+993243) 6-07-42

(+993243) 4-95-51


(+993243) 6-07-46

(+993243) 6-07-44

Turkmenistan, Balkan province, Turkmenbashi city, 8 "A" Shagadam str.
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