
Turkmenistan’s Demirýollary reannounces tender for the construction of a washing and steaming complex

Demirýollary Open Joint Stock Company reannounces open tender No.DÝ/AGPJ-039 for construction of washing and steaming complex near Ruhubelent station

Lot No.1 - Construction of washing and steaming complex near Ruhubelent station

Parties are invited to Demiryollary OJSC’s address:

  • to submit a written application form for participation in the tender, indicating the full name of the participant, its legal status and details, as well as attach to it the registration and charter documents of the applicant, power of attorney and copy of the passport of the applicant’s representative;
  • to obtain the lot specifications and technical requirements;
  • to get package of tender documents.
  • pay 700 manats (including 91,30 manats - VAT) for a lot.

The account for the transfer of funds will be specified while submitting a written application. Packages with tender proposals will be accepted for consideration only after the receipt of funds to the account of Demiryollary OJSC.

Note: only residents of Turkmenistan, members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan are eligible to participate in the tender.

Tender documents must be provided separately in two packages (technical and commercial proposal) at the indicated address from 9.00 to 18.00 local time daily in office No.305 of Demiryollary OJSC (3rd floor).

The deadline for submission of tender proposals is 30 (thirty) business days from the date of publication of the announcement in “Neutral Turkmenistan” newspaper.

Information phones:

+993 12 38-33-49

+993 12 38-31-03


+993 12 38-36-00

Beyik Saparmurat Turkmenbashi Avenue 7, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
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