
The State Association Türkmenhaly Announces an International Tender for Construction of a Wool Processing Complex

The State Association Türkmenhaly announces an international tender for the construction and technical equipping of a new wool processing complex in Ashgabat

All companies, entrepreneurs, private enterprises, business entities, and qualified foreign companies with relevant expertise in this field are invited to participate in the tender.

Interested participants are required to:

  • Submit a written application to the State Association Türkmenhaly indicating the full name of the participant, legal status, country of registration, and contact details;
  • Review the "Regulations for Conducting Tenders for Construction Projects";
  • Obtain the tender documentation package upon payment;
  • The payment details will be provided upon submission of the written application.

Tender proposals will be considered only after the funds have been credited to the designated account.

Tender proposals should be submitted to the address provided below.

Submission period: from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM (local time) until March 10, 2025.


Contact phone numbers:

+993 12 44-69-07

+993 12 44-69-05

+993 12 44-69-60

+993 12 44-69-00

Garaşsyzlyk Avenue 94, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
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March 13, 2025