Dashoguz-Based Turkmen Company Exports 439 Tonnes of Tomatoes

Dashoguz-Based Turkmen Company Exports 439 Tonnes of Tomatoes
Tomato harvest season in Greenhouse complex, Turkmenistan.

Altyn Gala Gurluşyk, the company based in Dashoguz province, successfully shipped 439 tonnes of tomatoes cultivated in their greenhouses to Russia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan during the span of ten months in 2023, the official Turkmen media reported on Tuesday. 

The member-business of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, Altyn Gala Gurluşyk operates a vegetable-growing greenhouse in the province’s Shabat district. The greenhouse has yielded approximately 730 tonnes of tomatoes during the ten months of the current year.

Recent news highlights that the Turkmen Company's greenhouse introduced a new tomato variety named Altess in 2023.

The greenhouse complex spans 5 hectares, with 4.6 hectares specifically allocated for cultivated land for tomato production. The remaining area is utilized for engineering systems and other facilities, enhancing the complex's efficiency and functionality in supporting garden production. 

The modern greenhouse, equipped with advanced facilities, employs more than 25 workers to facilitate efficient operations. The greenhouse has an annual capacity of 800 tonnes, enabling significant vegetable production. Following harvest, the vegetables are distributed to diverse markets and outlets in the region.