Turkmen Entrepreneur Produces 36 Thousand Packs of Croutons Daily

Turkmen Entrepreneur Produces 36 Thousand Packs of Croutons Daily
Entrepreneur Alym Jorayev presents products under the Her gün brand.

In the production workshop of businessman Alym Jorayev, a member of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, 36 thousand packs of chips and croutons are produced daily under the brand name Her gün.

As reported by the Türkmen gündogary regional newspaper on Thursday, the enterprise, producing goods under the Her gün brand, processes 2.5 tons of milk daily and produces milk, kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, and cheese for sale to the public.

In addition to dairy products, in production workshops equipped with modern technology from Türkiye and the Netherlands, five types of chips and six types of biscuits are produced. The company intends to further increase the volume of its output.

Entrepreneur Alym Jorayev established a private production of goods under the Her gün brand in 2016 in the Avchy geneshlik of Sayat district in Lebap province, Turkmenistan.

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