SCRMET: Afghan Entrepreneurs Purchase $7.4M in Diesel Fuel

SCRMET: Afghan Entrepreneurs Purchase $7.4M in Diesel Fuel
Moment from trading at the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan

At the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan (SCRMET) on Monday, Afghan entrepreneurs purchased hydrotreated diesel fuel worth $7,422,250, reports SCRMET.

Business representatives from the United Arab Emirates bought technical carbon grade Y-354, and an Afghan businessman purchased carbamide grade B. The total value of these transactions was $1,227,006. The products sold at the SCRMET auction were produced by the state concern Türkmenhimiýa.

A business representative from Kyrgyzstan bought gray calico for a total of $434,500.

A local entrepreneur also purchased road petroleum bitumen, with the total transaction amounting to 5 million manats.

Last week, deals concluded at the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan amounted to $41,833,000.