Turkmen Scientists Develop New Products Using Food Biotechnology

Turkmen Scientists Develop New Products Using Food Biotechnology
Bakery products made from pumpkin flour developed by Turkmen scientists in the laboratory of food technologies

In the laboratory of food technologies, scientists at the Technology Center of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan have developed pumpkin and chickpea flour, whole egg powder, egg yolk powder, egg white powder, and eggshell powder.

As reported by official media of Turkmenistan on Monday, pumpkin flour has a high percentage of beta-carotene, protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Young scientists from the laboratory have used it to enrich the composition of bakery and confectionery products.

Scientists are working on incorporating pumpkin flour and sand cookies made from it into food production. Pumpkin flour will also be used as a natural food coloring agent in the food industry.

Chickpea flour is gluten-free, rich in protein, fiber, vitamins, microelements, and sufficiently caloric.

The high nutritional value of bakery products made from chickpea flour allows them to be used as a food product for recovering the human body after illnesses, stress, and fatigue. The development is proposed to domestic entrepreneurship for implementation in the food industry enterprises.

In laboratory conditions, scientists have also produced whole egg powder, egg yolk powder, egg white powder, and eggshell powder, which can be used to enrich the feed of agricultural animals and poultry with minerals, especially calcium.