Jadyly Çeşme Launches Five Varieties of Teşne Beverage

Jadyly Çeşme Launches Five Varieties of Teşne Beverage
The economic society Jadyly çeşme at the exhibition dedicated to the 16th anniversary of the UIET, March 17, 2024, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

The economic society Jadyly çeşme, specializing in the production of various types of non-alcoholic beverages in Turkmenistan, has begun producing five types of drinks under the Teşne brand, the Biznes reklama newspaper reported Monday.

According to the report, the new product line includes five varieties: peach, lemon, apple, watermelon, non-carbonated watermelon, and carbonated water. As an artificially mineralized beverage, the new product has digestive properties.

Jadyly çeşme produces a variety of carbonated and non-carbonated vitamin drinks under the brands Kewser, Gurt, Aloe, Teşne, Belle, Tut, and Red Tut.

Founded in 2021 in the city of Anau, Ak Bugday district, the company currently employs over 100 people.

The company also operates a delivery service for clean drinking water in 19-liter bottles.