Kakamyrat Amanmyradov has been relieved of his duties as the hyakim of Mary city in Mary province for failing to fulfill his responsibilities.
Kakageldi Atajanovich Saryyev has been appointed as the hyakim of Mary city in Mary province.
Gowshutmurat Muhammetberdiyevich Amanov has been relieved of his duties as the hyakim of Vekilbazar district in Mary province for failing to fulfill his responsibilities.
Dayanch Atamyradov has been appointed as the hyakim of Vekilbazar district in Mary province.
Begmyrat Yagshymyradovich Gokcheyev has been relieved of his duties as the hyakim of Takhtabazar district in Mary province for failing to fulfill his responsibilities.
Muhammetserdar Charymyradovich Ashyrov appointed as the hyakim of Takhtabazar district in Mary province.
Source: TDH