New Schools, Kindergartens Opened in Several Districts of Turkmenistan

New Schools, Kindergartens Opened in Several Districts of Turkmenistan
Opening ceremony of a new school on the occasion of Knowledge and Student Youth Day in Turkmenistan, September 1, 2024 (Photo: TDH)

On September 1, the first bell rang in all educational institutions across the country, marking the start of the new 2024-2025 academic year.

According to a good tradition, the celebrations began with the laying of flowers at the Monument to Independence and the monuments to Berdimuhammet Annayev, which are located at the Berdimuhammet Annayev Pedagogical Secondary Professional School in the city of Arkadag and Secondary School No. 27 in the village of Yzgant, Goktepe District, Ahal Province.

On Knowledge and Student Youth Day, solemn ceremonies were held at all secondary and higher educational institutions, where the congratulatory Address of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov was read. The head of state wished success to the younger generation on their path of knowledge and great discoveries.

The first lesson of the new academic year focused on the theme “The Ocean of Wisdom of Magtymguly Pyragy” and was also dedicated to the upcoming celebration of the 33rd anniversary of the sacred independence of Turkmenistan.

Currently, extensive opportunities are being created for the creative development of young Turkmen. The work in this area is aimed primarily at providing the necessary conditions for acquiring comprehensive knowledge and educating the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism.

Guided by the concepts of developing the digital education system and improving the methodology of teaching natural and exact sciences, the effectiveness of educational and upbringing work is continuously increasing. To this end, every year, new general education and preschool institutions are built and put into operation across the country, meeting global standards.

At the beginning of the new academic year, traditional ceremonies were held in the Fatherland to open several new educational institutions. Deputies of the Mejlis, members of the Halk Maslahaty, representatives of local executive authorities and public organizations, respected elders, and numerous residents of cities and villages attended these events.

On Knowledge and Student Youth Day, a secondary school with a capacity of 1,200 students and a dormitory with 120 places were put into operation in the village of Bokurdak, Ak Bugday District, Akhal Province.

In the modern school, all conditions for student education are provided, with specially equipped classrooms for various subjects, including vocational training.

Today is also a particularly joyful day for the residents of the city of Hojambaz, Hojambaz District, Lebap Province, where a school with a capacity of 960 students has opened its doors. Additionally, a school with a capacity of 400 students was put into operation in the village of Alpan Gengeshlik, Merye farming association in Sayat District.

The construction of these facilities is a testament to the successful large-scale efforts under the wise leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to further improve the national education sector and systematically strengthen its material and technical base.

Among the festive architectural premieres of the Fatherland is the commissioning of a new secondary school and kindergarten in Mary Province. In the village of Saryyaz, Tahtabazar District, a kindergarten with 160 places was solemnly opened, and in the city of Mary, a general education school with 500 places was inaugurated.

The festive events held in the country to mark the beginning of the new academic year vividly demonstrate the state’s concern for the upbringing and comprehensive development of young Turkmens.

In the newly built general education schools, teachers and students have spacious classrooms equipped with comfortable furniture and modern educational materials and supplies. Multimedia and interactive equipment installed in classrooms facilitate a deeper study of biology, physics, chemistry, geography, and other subjects.

The schools also provide all opportunities for revealing students' creative abilities and talents. There are music classrooms, gymnasiums, rooms for cultural events, vocational training classes, and libraries where children can access various textbooks and literary works.

The new preschool facilities are designed to ensure harmonious upbringing, comprehensive intellectual development, and comfortable rest for young children. These include playrooms and sleeping areas with comfortable and attractive furniture for different age groups, language laboratories, and computer rooms.

The festive atmosphere at the opening ceremonies of the educational institutions was enhanced by performances from artists and creative groups from the provinces.

The participants in the celebrations expressed sincere gratitude to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, for their care for the younger generation and wished them good health, new successes in their multifaceted activities for the benefit of the happy life of the people, and prosperity for the Fatherland.


On September 1, the Specialized Educational Complex No. 1 in the city of Arkadag also opened a robotics training center. Created with the assistance of the UNICEF Office in Turkmenistan, it became a wonderful gift on Knowledge and Student Youth Day, which is widely celebrated in our country.

The establishment of this center is another testament to the successful implementation of measures aimed at the deep mastery of modern technologies by the youth and providing various sectors of the national economy with qualified specialists.


Source: TDH