ÇaparPay Offers Universal Payment Solution in Turkmenistan

ÇaparPay Offers Universal Payment Solution in Turkmenistan
A user interacts with the ÇaparPay mobile application.

The ÇaparPay mobile application is becoming a universal solution for making payments in Turkmenistan.

With ÇaparPay, users can easily pay traffic fines, utility bills, top up their Belet platform balance, and pay for a subscription to Älem TV satellite television. All these transactions can be completed with just a few clicks, eliminating the need to stand in line or search for an ATM.

One feature worth highlighting is the ability to purchase domestic flight tickets within Turkmenistan directly through the app. This option makes planning travel within the country more convenient and faster.

How to Start Using ÇaparPay:

1. Download the app from Google Play or the App Store.
2. Register using your mobile number.
3. Top up your bank card balance and start making payments.


Source: Agency of Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan