Serdar Berdimuhamedov Meets With Malaysia’s Foreign Minister

Serdar Berdimuhamedov Meets With Malaysia’s Foreign Minister
Malaysia’s Foreign Minister Dato Seri Utama Haji Mohamad bin Haji Hasan

On Tuesday, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov met with Malaysia’s Foreign Minister, Dato Seri Utama Haji Mohamad bin Haji Hasan.

The guest expressed his gratitude for the warm welcome and conveyed heartfelt greetings from the 17th Supreme Ruler of Malaysia, Sultan Ibrahim ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar, and Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim.

Welcoming the guest to the ancient Turkmen land, President Berdimuhamedov highlighted the significance of the visit as a key step in advancing the partnership between Turkmenistan and Malaysia. He also extended warm greetings and best wishes to the high-ranking leaders of the friendly nation.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov expressed confidence that the meetings and negotiations with Turkmen counterparts during the visit would be productive and successful.

It was noted that Turkmenistan and Malaysia enjoy friendly relations, built on principles of equality and mutual respect. Today, cooperation between the two countries is thriving both bilaterally and within international organizations.

The President thanked Malaysia’s Foreign Minister for supporting Turkmenistan's policy of positive neutrality and its constructive international initiatives. He emphasized the importance of the country's growing cooperation with the United Nations, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the Non-Aligned Movement, and other international bodies.

The meeting highlighted the growing momentum of trade and economic relations between the two nations. Special attention was given to Turkmenistan’s oil and gas sector, where Malaysia’s PETRONAS has made significant contributions through joint projects.

It was emphasized that PETRONAS has been involved in hydrocarbon production in Turkmenistan for many years and has actively supported the training of highly qualified specialists in the country's oil and gas industry.

The importance of high-level meetings in enhancing interstate dialogue was also underlined. In this context, President Berdimuhamedov mentioned the upcoming visit to Malaysia later this year, expressing confidence that the talks would further strengthen the friendly ties between the two countries.

At the conclusion of the meeting, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and Malaysia’s Foreign Minister exchanged wishes for good health, prosperity, and success.


Source: TDH