President of Turkmenistan Pardons 736 Convicted Citizens

President of Turkmenistan Pardons 736 Convicted Citizens
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan (Photo:

On Friday, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov held an expanded session of the Cabinet of Ministers via a digital system, during which he signed a decree granting pardons to convicted individuals.

The President noted that, as always, a pardon is being granted to citizens convicted of crimes who have sincerely repented for their actions. He emphasized that such noble initiatives, like releasing these individuals from punishment, will continue.

During the meeting, the floor was given to the Secretary of the State Security Council, Minister of Defense, and Chairman of the Commission for Citizenship and Clemency Proposals under the President of Turkmenistan, B. Gundogdyev. He reported on the Commission’s work regarding the pardon of citizens who committed crimes, in honor of the 33rd anniversary of Turkmenistan's sacred independence.

After hearing the report, the President, adhering to the noble tradition, signed a decree pardoning 736 convicted citizens of the country on the occasion of Independence Day.

The President instructed the Secretary of the State Security Council and Minister of Defense, B. Gundogdyev, along with law enforcement officials, to ensure that the pardoned individuals are quickly released from prison and reunited with their families.

The President wished the pardoned citizens to work diligently, serve their homeland sincerely, and live by honest means.


Guided by the principles of mercy and humanity, passed down by the great ancestors, and in order to further strengthen the unity and solidarity of Turkmen society and every family, as well as in celebration of the 33rd anniversary of Turkmenistan’s independence, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan, signed the decree "On the pardon of convicted citizens on the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of Turkmenistan’s independence." This decree releases the pardoned citizens from further imprisonment, as well as from additional punishments, such as being required to reside in a specific location.


Source: TDH