Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Congratulates President of Turkmenistan on 33rd Independence Anniversary

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Congratulates President of Turkmenistan on 33rd Independence Anniversary
Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov (left) and President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov (right), September 24, 2024, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

On Tuesday, a regular session of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan was held under the chairmanship of the National Leader of the Turkmen people and Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, in the capital's "Maslahat Köşgi" Palace.

The nationwide forum, convened ahead of the significant 33rd anniversary of the country's independence, addressed key state issues aimed at ensuring the happiness and well-being of the people and further advancing the country toward progress and prosperity.

Following the deep-rooted national traditions of genuine people's governance and the democratic norms of modern Turkmen society, representatives of all segments of the population and various age groups—from students to elderly elders and respected mothers—were invited to participate in the session of the country's highest representative body.

...An atmosphere of special solemnity and great enthusiasm filled the majestic hall of "Maslahat Köşgi."

Standing, the gathered delegates greeted the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, with loud and prolonged applause.

Hero-Arkadag walked to the stage and warmly greeted the forum's delegates, marking one of the year's most significant events in the "Year of the Ocean of Wisdom of Magtymguly Pyragy."

Addressing the assembly, the National Leader of the Turkmen people emphasized that “following the glorious traditions of our courageous ancestors, during the celebration of the 33rd anniversary of the sacred independence of our sovereign and permanently neutral Homeland, we have gathered for a session of the Halk Maslahaty.”

Participating in the historic session are leaders of state authorities, members of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan, deputies of the Mejlis, heads of ministries and sectoral departments, political parties and public organizations, governors of provinces, districts, and cities, members of provincial, district, and city Halk Maslahaty, honored elders, wise mothers, representatives of the public from all regions of the country, as well as invited guests.

“This year, we are widely celebrating the 300th anniversary of the birth of the great poet and thinker Makhtumkuli Fraghi, whose works have entered the golden treasury of world literature,” Hero-Arkadag reminded, proudly noting that today the era has arrived, the one the poet, who intertwined his destiny with that of the people, dreamed of. Sovereign Turkmenistan has become a country of unity and prosperity.

As was noted, a wide range of work is currently underway to further develop our independent neutral Homeland. The activities of state authorities and governance are aimed at strengthening the power of the country, where happy people live and work.

In this regard, the main goal of the Halk Maslahaty session is to review the historical milestones achieved, define prospective tasks, and consolidate the achievements of the sovereign state, Hero-Arkadag emphasized.

A solemn moment approaches: the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, declares the Halk Maslahaty session open.

The national anthem of Turkmenistan plays, and all the participants of the nationwide forum join in one unified voice.

Then, in accordance with the proposals submitted and discussed by the representatives of the delegations, the members of the presidium of the Halk Maslahaty session are elected, and the National Leader of the Turkmen people invites them to take their places.

Warmly congratulating those gathered and the people of the country on the approaching glorious holiday – the 33rd anniversary of the great independence of the Homeland – and wishing everyone good health, prosperity, and happiness, Hero-Arkadag noted that the forum delegates had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the agenda and inquired about any suggestions or comments regarding the issues and documents under consideration.

With the unanimous support and full approval of the participants, the agenda of the current session is approved.

Then Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov delivered a speech, highlighting the exemplary path of the establishment of independent neutral Turkmenistan, which the outstanding Turkmen poet and thinker of the East, Makhtumkuli Fraghi, had dreamed of, and outlined the priority directions for the further development of our democratic, legal, and secular state.

Addressing the participants of the Halk Maslahaty session and all compatriots, the National Leader of the Turkmen people noted that in just a few days, the 33rd anniversary of the sacred independence of the Homeland will be widely celebrated at a high level.

“Independence is the recognition of our native people and beloved Homeland in the world. It is the bright path to all achievements and prosperity,” emphasized the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty, whose words were met with enthusiastic applause.

As was noted, the fundamental transformations being carried out in Turkmenistan under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov are characterized by their scale and innovation, encompassing all spheres of state and public life.

“Every citizen of the country lives with great love for their native Homeland and works hard. The state serves the person, and the person serves the state in the name of well-being, happiness, and prosperity,” continued Hero-Arkadag, emphasizing that all of this demonstrates the triumph of the doctrine "The State is for the Person!" which is at the heart of the activities being carried out.

It was noted that such programs as "Revival of the New Era of a Powerful State: National Program for Socio-Economic Development of Turkmenistan for 2022–2052," the "President of Turkmenistan's Program for Socio-Economic Development of the Country for 2022–2028," the National Rural Program, the "Program for Socio-Economic Development and Investment for 2024," as well as the Work Plan and Activities on the Main Directions of the Halk Maslahaty for the current year, developed in collaboration with the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, ministries, sectoral departments, and public organizations, among others, are being successfully implemented. The economic power of our state is growing, its international standing is strengthening, and the living conditions of Turkmen citizens are improving.

The National Leader of the Turkmen people expressed firm confidence that under the leadership of Arkadagly Hero Serdar, the year marked by the slogan "The Wisdom of Makhtumkuli Fraghi" will go down in history as a year distinguished by political, economic, and cultural achievements and significant events.

Speaking about the activities of the country's highest representative body, Hero-Arkadag emphasized that the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan actively participates in resolving issues of national importance, further strengthening the unity and cohesion of the people, and carries out appropriate work to promote the comprehensive development of our independent, permanently neutral state.

“This principle of popular democracy holds a worthy place in the socio-political life of our country. The patriotism of citizens and the unshakable unity between the government and the people form the foundation of the state's life and the basis for perfected social relations. In this context, efforts are being made to further strengthen the connection between the government and the people, between the state and society,” continued the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, noting that great importance is placed on the work of the Council of Elders, created under the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan.

It was noted that the work being done in the regions by members of the Council of Elders in educating, promoting, and supporting the younger generation, as well as the activities organized with rural workers, helps strengthen unity, national integrity, and the development of patriotic-minded successors.

As Hero-Arkadag emphasized, the wise elders and mothers, whose labor serves as an example, are the pride of the people. “We have great respect for our senior generation, which calls for love of the Homeland, respect for parents, and living an honest life.”

“Today, the dreams of the great poet-thinker Makhtumkuli Fraghi about an independent state have come true. We are fortunate to live and create in a peaceful, prosperous, and powerful country, where the high and noble dreams of our ancestors have become a reality,” continued the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty.

In the future, we will carry out even larger-scale work, build powerful enterprises, production centers, new modern cities, towns, and villages. We will significantly improve the appearance of our Homeland.

Through the diligent work of our people, we will achieve the prosperity of our society and enhance the country’s standing as an economically developed state.

As was emphasized, the high results of the current year testify to the correctness of the well-thought-out domestic and foreign policies being implemented by the head of state.

“During meetings with people of various professions during my working trips to the provinces, the main issue I focus on is related to strengthening the unity of the people and the further prosperity of the country,” noted Hero-Arkadag.

“Agreement, peace, and hard work are the foundation of the successes of our beloved Homeland. The future of a state with such a people is bright and great,” stressed the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty.

Defining economic growth as a key factor in the sustainable progress of any country, Hero-Arkadag proudly noted that our economic achievements are aimed at further improving the social and living standards of our people.

In this context, among the main features of the country’s economic development, the National Leader of the Turkmen people highlighted the high level of income per capita, human capital, scientific and technological achievements, high labor productivity across all sectors, the rapid pace of economic reforms, and competitiveness in the global market.

“Based on this, the main task for all of us is the continued socio-economic development of the country and the enhancement of its international standing,” emphasized Hero-Arkadag.

Continuing his speech, the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, emphasized that the development of our sovereign state and cohesive society is closely linked to science, education, and culture.

It was noted that on the first day of the golden autumn — Knowledge Day and Student Youth Day — modern secondary schools and kindergartens were ceremonially opened in the country. Computers manufactured domestically were presented to 155,641 first-graders on behalf of the President of Turkmenistan.

Based on the "Concept for Improving the Methodology of Teaching General Education Programs in Turkmenistan Until 2028," the modernization of educational activities in accordance with international standards was launched.

"I consider it advisable to build modern educational institutions in our country in the future and create technology centers focused on priority areas of science and innovation," emphasized Hero-Arkadag, expressing confidence that the opening of joint higher education institutions or branches of universities that are ranked among the world's leading educational institutions will be of great significance both for our youth and for society.

Speaking on the implementation of state youth policy, the National Leader of the Turkmen people outlined several key tasks: increasing the number of preschool institutions and secondary schools; improving work with children with disabilities and enhancing the qualifications of teachers working with them; developing a comprehensive methodology for the scientific, educational, and industrial integration in higher education institutions; conducting work aimed at immortalizing the monuments of our outstanding personalities to foster pride in national values, customs, and traditions among the younger generation, based on our humanitarian principles; a fundamental study and scientific substantiation of culture, literature, and the glorious history that dates back millennia; and strengthening the position of the city of Arkadag as a global center of science and education by establishing an international research center here for the promotion and study of Turkmenistan’s ancient, medieval, modern, and contemporary history, as well as its archaeological and architectural monuments, and state policy.

Addressing the meeting participants, the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty stressed that the new era demands the expansion of ongoing reforms and the enhancement of the educational potential of our society. In this regard, it was proposed to hold meetings by the end of this year to discuss the improvement of science, education, culture, and state youth policy.

Touching on the ecological aspect of the ongoing policies, the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, noted that the creation of forest zones in the vicinity of Ashgabat and Arkadag, in the velayats, the NTZ "Avaza" on the Caspian Sea coast, the construction of the "Altyn Asyr" lake in the center of the Karakum Desert, and other efforts aimed at ensuring environmental safety serve as clear evidence of the great importance our country places on protecting the environment and transforming cities and villages into flourishing oases.

"The state is conducting targeted work in this area and effectively interacting with international organizations. In the future, we must actively continue this work," emphasized Hero-Arkadag.

Significant attention was paid to the transformations taking place in the sectors of the economy that contribute to improving employment.

"I consider it necessary to adopt the 'Concept for Labor Market Development in Turkmenistan until 2030.' In my opinion, this Concept will be an important step towards expanding cooperation in the field of labor employment with international organizations and foreign countries, particularly in joining the conventions of the International Labour Organization," stressed the National Leader of the Turkmen people, the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty.

It was noted that the development of the financial market and the introduction of new types and methods of entrepreneurship are also requirements of the time. The monetary, credit, currency, financial, and tax-budget systems are being consistently improved, providing a solid foundation for the country’s socio-economic development.

Domestic entrepreneurs are doing tremendous work in producing high-quality, competitive products, strengthening food security, and constructing modern industrial enterprises, cities, and villages.

In this regard, Hero-Arkadag highlighted the adoption of a Strategy for Financial Market Development until 2030, as well as a National Program for Supporting Small and Medium Enterprises, which will mark the beginning of a new phase of dynamic development for our country.

During his speech, the National Leader of the Turkmen people proposed to present for consideration at the Halk Maslahaty meeting in the coming year projects for the country's development strategies from 2026 to 2052 in areas such as: foreign economic activities; public-private partnerships; digital economy; transport diplomacy; cultural diplomacy; scientific-medical diplomacy; higher education; and projects for the Concept of Developing the Intellectual Property System and the Program for Supporting and Developing Physical Culture and Sports until 2030.

"In the future, in 2025, we will widely celebrate a significant date on an international level — the 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan's permanent neutrality," continued Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, reminding that at the 63rd plenary session of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly, at the initiative of Turkmenistan, 2025 was declared the International Year of Peace and Trust.

"In this regard, we believe that in the International Year of Peace and Trust, marked by the 30th anniversary of the permanent neutrality of our independent state, a global task is to strengthen cooperation and mutual understanding on the planet," emphasized the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty.

Neutrality is a doctrine that highlights our initiatives at the global level, calling on nations for peace, cooperation, friendship, brotherhood, and unity, while promoting humanism.

This doctrine provides the energy to achieve new milestones for our people, who are creating for the sake of the great future of the Motherland.

Over the past 30 years, our neutral state, having accumulated rich experience in this area, has become a center of harmony and friendship.

– Relying on the legal status of neutrality, our country, as a responsible member of the global community, will contribute meaningfully to the development of international relations in the future based on the philosophy of "Dialogue is the guarantee of peace," said the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Hero-Arkadag.

It was emphasized that the conducted socio-political activities hold great significance, inspiring the courageous people to achieve great accomplishments and fostering unity.

"In this regard, it is essential to continue the coordinated activities of the Halk Maslahaty and the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, ministries and sectoral departments, khyakimliks, political parties, and public organizations to motivate our citizens toward new successes. Our main task is to direct the inexhaustible energy of the people towards the continued prosperity of the country," stressed Hero-Arkadag.

Focusing particularly on the ongoing work for the development of the city of Arkadag and the construction of its second phase, the National Leader of the Turkmen people noted the importance of establishing principles of a healthy lifestyle in the country, including in the new city, and ensuring that industrial and production facilities meet high ecological standards.

Evidence of this is the work being carried out in Arkadag by the "Arkadag Medisina Klasteri Menejment." These significant initiatives are aimed at ensuring a happy future for citizens, children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

"In March of this year, we celebrated the third anniversary of the establishment of the Charitable Foundation for Assisting Needy Children under the name of Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, whose activities are committed to humane values," reminded the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty.

It was noted that, with the funds from the Foundation, many children's health issues have been addressed in our independent country. In the future, this work, for which sufficient resources are available, will continue.

Caring for the happy descendants of the native Fatherland is a concern for our great and bright future. The actions taken in this direction are of immense importance in strengthening the solid foundation for the happy life of current and future generations of Turkmen citizens.

The high international recognition of the Foundation's activities is clear evidence that our country has accumulated exemplary experience in supporting and treating children and the successful implementation of the humane policies of the independent state.

"The homeland is sacred, as is the work carried out in its name," emphasized the National Leader of the Turkmen people, calling for a heartfelt approach to every task aimed at enhancing the authority of the sovereign Fatherland and developing it with the swiftness of a galloping horse.

"Inspired by hard work, together we must realize large-scale initiatives that will elevate our native Motherland!" concluded the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, wishing the forum delegates and the people good health and a happy, prosperous life.

The speech of the National Leader of the Turkmen people was listened to with deep attention and met with prolonged applause.

Then, Hero-Arkadag granted the floor to the participants of the national forum.

The first to speak was Khudaikulya Ereshov, a pensioner from the city of Turkmenabat in the Lebap velayat, who, on behalf of all the elders, warmly congratulated the National Leader of the Turkmen people, the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Hero-Arkadag, as well as President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and all compatriots on the 33rd anniversary of the independence of the Fatherland.

As noted, today our state, having made significant strides in progressive development, is in the spotlight of the entire world.

An important event of this year was the opening of the cultural and park complex "Magtymguly Pyragy," built in the southern part of our capital at the initiative of Hero-Arkadag. The monument to the outstanding classic of national and world literature, Makhtumkuli Fragi, installed at its center, evokes immense pride in each of us, reflecting the profound thoughts directed towards the future in his remarkable poetry, meeting the spiritual needs not only of the Turkmen people but of all humanity.

Expressing gratitude for the great care shown by the National Leader of the Turkmen people for the well-being of each family and every citizen of the country, the representative of the older generation said that the large-scale work carried out by the Charitable Foundation for Assisting Needy Children named after Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has given many young Turkmen citizens hope for a bright future.

The importance of Hero-Arkadag's initiative to construct mosques in all velayats was also highlighted, including the opening of the new Seyit Jamaletdin mosque in the ancient city of Anau and the laying of the foundation for a mosque in the city of Arkadag. Another expression of the continuity of epochs and generations, and the noble principles and exemplary traditions of wise ancestors, is the creation under the guidance of Arkadagly Khaji Serdar of broad opportunities for thousands of our compatriots to perform the Hajj pilgrimage.

In this regard, Yashuli assured that the older generation, inspired by the remarkable works of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, will spare no effort in nurturing the youth in the spirit of love and loyalty to the Motherland, hard work, and adherence to the ancestral values and traditions of the nation.

Khudaikulya Ereshov emphasized that the elders enthusiastically received the historic speech of Hero-Arkadag and are confident that the decisions made at today’s session will give a powerful impetus to the further development of the country.

Wishing the National Leader of the Turkmen people and Arkadagly Hero Serdar good health, longevity, and great success in all state affairs, the esteemed delegate of the forum concluded his speech with inspiring poetic lines.

Next, Atajan Jumamyradov, a specialist from the tax department of the city of Mary in the Mary velayat, sincerely congratulated the National Leader of the Turkmen people, the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Hero-Arkadag on the significant event—the 33rd anniversary of the sacred independence of the country, celebrated in the year "The Treasure of Wisdom of Makhtumkuli Fragi."

It was emphasized that today Turkmenistan has transformed into a powerful, dynamically developing state, as evidenced by remarkable successes achieved in all areas.

Following the principle "The state is for the people!" and the motto of Arkadagly Hero Serdar "The Motherland is only the Motherland with the people! The state is only a state with the people!" the great deeds being accomplished are aimed at the comprehensive development of the national economy and the improvement of the people’s living standards.

The speech highlighted that the construction of industrial enterprises, factories, and plants strengthens the economic orientation of state policy and demonstrates the steady progress of independent neutral Turkmenistan toward achieving Sustainable Development Goals in the region and the world.

The high authority of our country was confirmed by its unanimous election as a member of the UN Commission on Social Development for the period 2025–2029 at the recent session of the UN Economic and Social Council.

The young specialist expressed confidence that the opening of the city of Arkadag and the construction of its second phase, the recent high-level Investment Forum of Turkmenistan, the laying of the Serhetabat–Herat route, which is a crucial stage in the implementation of the TAPI project, and the optical fiber communication line Serhetabat–Herat, referred to as "Arkadagyň ak ýoly," as well as the commissioning of the "Nur-el-Jahad" power plant located in the Afghan province of Herat and the implementation of other significant projects will further strengthen Turkmenistan’s reputation as a country of friendly initiatives and make a worthy contribution to the growth of its economic power.

Concluding his speech with inspired poetic lines, A. Jumamyradov, on behalf of the workers of the economic complex, wished the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, and President Serdar Berdimuhamedov good health for many years and new outstanding achievements in their noble endeavors for the Motherland.

Then, the floor was given to Jennetgul Garadjaeva, a specialist from the culture department of the Esenguly etrap of the Balkan velayat, who, on behalf of cultural figures and masters of arts, warmly congratulated the National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, as well as Arkadagly Hero Serdar and all Turkmen citizens on the upcoming 33rd anniversary of state independence.

It was noted that the poetic lines "The Treasure of Wisdom of Makhtumkuli Fragi," born of the talent and creative inspiration of Hero-Arkadag, filled the entire year of 2024 of our independent Fatherland with inspiring poetry.

As a tribute to the outstanding poet and thinker of the East, the opening of the monument to Makhtumkuli Fragi in Ashgabat and the eponymous cultural and park complex, as well as the publication this significant anniversary year of the classic of Turkmen literature, a collection of poems "Magtymguly" in three languages, was highlighted.

Gratitude was expressed to the National Leader of the Turkmen people for the initiative to establish the anniversary medal "Magtymguly Pyragynyň 300 ýyllygyna" and for the adoption of the Law of Turkmenistan "On the Cultural Heritage of Makhtumkuli Fragi" to preserve the invaluable works of the great master of words and pass them on to future generations.

A great source of pride for the Turkmen citizens was the inclusion of the collection of his manuscripts in the "Memory of the World" registry as part of efforts to promote the rich creative heritage of thinker Makhtumkuli Fragi, and the 300th anniversary of the poet's birth was added to the List of Significant Dates for joint celebration with UNESCO.

Speaking about the ancestral traditions of honoring mothers as sacred, D. Garadjaeva noted that Hero-Arkadag, continuing this worthy tradition, demonstrated a profound respect for parents. The exemplary national school of spiritual and moral education for youth is also represented by Ogulabat edje—the mother of the National Leader of the Turkmen people—and the esteemed carpet maker of Turkmenistan, Ogulgerek gelenje, who are held in high regard.

The speech emphasized that the works of Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, which tell of our glorious history, culture, and spiritual values, translated into many languages of the world, have become a golden bridge between nations. The worthy continuation of the inspiring path of the National Leader of the Turkmen people is dedicated to the book by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, "Anaau—Culture from the Depths of Millennia," released in the year the ancient city of Anaau was proclaimed the cultural capital of the Turkic world.

Emphasizing that the participants of the national forum enthusiastically received and wholeheartedly support the proposals and decisions voiced at this historic session of the Halk Maslahaty, the delegate of the forum sincerely wished Hero-Arkadag and Arkadagly Hero Serdar good health, long life, and success in their large-scale state activities.

Next, Meylis Geldiev, the brigadier of the agricultural association "Türkmenistan" from the Boldumsaz etrap of the Dashoguz velayat, warmly congratulated the National Leader of the Turkmen people, the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Hero-Arkadag, as well as President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the entire Turkmen people on the country’s main holiday, wishing further successful advancement to new heights of prosperity and progress.

As noted, the remarkable book by Arkadagly Hero Serdar, "Anaau – Culture from the Depths of Millennia," is dedicated to the fertile Turkmen land, recognized as the homeland of the grain "ak buğday."

"Today, Turkmen farmers are improving the agricultural methods that our ancestors cultivated for centuries and elevated to the level of art. We, the farmers, have all the conditions created for abundant harvests, honest labor, and a happy life. Timely calculations are made for the grain and cotton harvested for the state," emphasized the speaker, also reminding about the increase in state purchase prices for agricultural products.

The creation of research institutes confirms the fundamental nature of the reforms being implemented and the application of ancient agricultural methods in close connection with the highest achievements of science.

A vivid testament to the scientific basis of this work was the recent meeting of the Intergovernmental Coordination Council on Seed Production of the Commonwealth of Independent States held in Ashgabat, as well as parallel international conferences and exhibitions.

Heartily congratulating Hero-Arkadag and Arkadagly Hero Serdar on behalf of the rural workers for the creation of new varieties of winter wheat "Serdar," "Arkadag," and "Pyragy" by Turkmen scientists, M. Geldiev emphasized that their use will contribute to increasing the yield of this crop.

The speech noted that in Turkmenistan, which is actively transforming into an industrial state, the number of new powerful food and processing enterprises, elevators, greenhouses, and refrigerated warehouses is increasing, which contributes to the growing volumes of vegetable and fruit production, ensuring that the markets of the country are filled with goods regardless of the season. Thanks to the care for farmers, modern social facilities are being built in the villages.

Noting that the substantive historical speech of the National Leader of the Turkmen people at the current session of the Halk Maslahaty inspires Turkmen citizens toward new labor victories, the speaker assured that the farmers, responding to the care shown, will work tirelessly for the bright future of the independent neutral Motherland and the happy and prosperous life of their native people.

Addressing Hero-Arkadag and President Serdar Berdimuhamedov with sincere wishes for good health, long life, and great success in their noble endeavors for the prosperity of the Motherland, the delegate of the forum concluded his speech with poetic lines.

Next, the floor was given to Myakhri Jumayeva, a doctor at the Mother and Child Health Center in the city of Arkadag, who heartily congratulated the National Leader of the Turkmen people, the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty, and the head of state on the 33rd anniversary of the sacred independence of Turkmenistan on behalf of all healthcare workers.

The speaker noted that the protection and strengthening of the health of the population is one of the priorities of state policy initiated by Hero-Arkadag and admirably continued by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

The numerous medical centers, hospitals, and sanatoriums built in Turkmenistan, equipped with modern specialized equipment, clearly demonstrate that the health of the people is constantly at the forefront of state attention. In this context, the importance of the initiative to create a Medical Cluster in the city of Arkadag, fully complying with international standards, was emphasized.

It was noted that the health of the younger generation—the future of the Motherland—receives special attention from the National Leader of the Turkmen people. A bright confirmation of this is the establishment of the Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Needy Children named after Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, which is currently carrying out extensive activities. Following the noble principles of friendship, brotherhood, good neighborliness, and humanism inherent to the Turkmen people, humanitarian aid is regularly sent to children from different countries of the world from the foundation’s funds.

The recent awarding of the city of Arkadag with three special awards at the World Smart City Expo 2024 in Seoul, South Korea, filled the Turkmen citizens with particular pride, as it became yet another testament to the high authority and recognition of the achievements of our sovereign Fatherland.

Expressing their best wishes to the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Hero-Arkadag, and President Serdar Berdimuhamedov for a peaceful and happy life, M. Jumayeva concluded her speech with inspiring poetic lines.

Next, the floor was given to Dagbash Meretgeldiyev, a specialist from the Baherden Cement Plant, who heartily congratulated the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, and Arkadagly Hero Serdar on the 33rd anniversary of the independence of the Fatherland, wishing them good health and further advancement to new heights of prosperity and progress.

Expressing gratitude for the happy life in the era of Renaissance of a mighty state, the forum delegate emphasized that the industrial sector is developing rapidly, and significant work is being done to strengthen the economic power of independent Turkmenistan on the international stage.

It was noted that the industrial sector is one of the most promising and rapidly growing spheres of the national economy. A diverse range of products, in demand in the world market, is produced in the country.

In the current year, dedicated to the motto "The Treasure of Wisdom of Makhtumkuli Fragi," the second phases of the cement plants "Lebap" in the Lebap velayat and "Bäherden" in the Akhal velayat have been put into operation, which will enable an increase in the export of high-quality cement.

Regarding achievements in the energy sector, D. Meretgeldiev stated that the laying of high-voltage power lines, the construction of the "Balkan" and "Daşoguz" power plants, and the creation of a unified energy ring in the country not only ensure uninterrupted power supply to domestic consumers but also allow for exports to foreign countries.

In this regard, there was confidence that the construction and commissioning of multipurpose solar and wind power plants in the Balkan velayat would mark a historic beginning for the establishment of renewable energy sources in the country.

D. Meretgeldiev particularly emphasized the significance of the remarkable city of Arkadag, built by Turkmen builders in a short period.

Noting that the deeply substantive and historical speech of Hero-Arkadag increased the pride of the participants in the meeting for their beloved Motherland, the forum delegate expressed sincere appreciation for the comprehensive care for the development of the construction and industrial sector.

Wishing the National Leader of the Turkmen people and President Serdar Berdimuhamedov good health for many years and great success in their noble activities for the prosperity of the Motherland, the young specialist concluded his speech with inspiring poetic lines.

Next, the floor was given to Toygeldi Gurtgeldiev, the chief specialist of the "Türkmendeňizderýaýollary" agency, who warmly congratulated on behalf of the workers of the transport and communication complex Hero-Arkadag, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, and the entire Turkmen people on the glorious holiday of the sacred independence of the Motherland. He emphasized that each day of the year, dedicated to "The Treasure of Wisdom of Makhtumkuli Fragi," is marked by significant events.

As noted, large projects are successfully being implemented in the country to create a modern multifunctional transport and communication system.

The significant potential of the transport sector is reflected in the construction of roads and railways, which are an important part of regional and international transport corridors, new bridges, international airports, and the International Sea Port of Turkmenbashi—"the maritime gateway" of Central Asia, as well as the opening of a section of the Tejen–Mary high-speed highway of Ashgabat–Turkmenabat, and the construction of a bridge across the Garabogaz Bay, along with the commencement of dry cargo ship construction at the "Balkan" Shipbuilding and Repair Plant.

Thanks to the strategic foresight of Hero-Arkadag and the initiatives of the head of state, large-scale work is underway to implement a digital system that forms the basis for the dynamic development of the country. The construction of the "smart" city Arkadag and modern facilities equipped with information and communication technologies demonstrates the extensive integration of digital services into our lives, said the chief specialist of the agency.

"The workers of the sector fully support the active integration of the country’s transport and communication system into international cooperation through the effective use of multimodal transport corridors," assured T. Gurtgeldiev, expressing immense gratitude to Hero-Arkadag and Arkadagly Hero Serdar for their comprehensive attention to the development of the transport and communication sector and for creating favorable conditions for the life and work of its employees.

Wishing the National Leader of the Turkmen people, the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty, and President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov good health and great success in their noble activities for the happy life of the people and the prosperity of the country, the delegate concluded with a recitation of poetic lines.

Next to speak was serviceman Kakamyraat Ovezmuhammedov, who, on behalf of the defenders of the Fatherland, congratulated Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and all present on an important socio-political event in the life of the state—the beginning of the session of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan.

"We sincerely believe that at the national forum held during the celebration of the 33rd anniversary of sacred independence, priority tasks for implementing large-scale reforms aimed at further developing the Fatherland and ensuring the happy life of our people will be addressed," emphasized the speaker.

As noted by K. Ovezmuhammedov, the far-sighted initiatives put forward by Hero-Arkadag continue successfully under President of Turkmenistan and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces Serdar Berdimuhamedov, under whose leadership comprehensive military reform is being implemented and the material and technical base of the power structures is being strengthened.

It was emphasized that the head of state constantly cares about the living and service conditions of servicemen and their families, familiarizes himself with the modern equipment that constitutes the strength and might of the National Army, pays special attention to the professional training of servicemen, and cares about the upbringing of the younger generation. A vivid confirmation of this was the opening in the capital on September 1—Knowledge and Student Youth Day—of a new white marble complex of buildings of the Specialized Military School named after Berdymukhamed Annaev of the Ministry of Defense of Turkmenistan, equipped with modern technology and a digital training system.

All of this raises the pride of the defenders of the Fatherland and their desire to selflessly serve their beloved Motherland and people. The commands and advice of Hero-Arkadag are seen by servicemen as a source of inspiration in fulfilling their sacred military duty.

Currently, the armed forces of the country comprise patriotic youth who, inspired by the example of heroic ancestors, courageous fathers and grandfathers, ensure the territorial integrity and protection of the sovereignty of independent neutral Turkmenistan.

Expressing on behalf of all personnel of the military and law enforcement agencies special gratitude for the care shown by the state, the forum delegate emphasized that the servicemen will proudly march in the ceremonial parade in honor of the 33rd anniversary of the sacred independence of Turkmenistan.

Addressing the National Leader of the Turkmen People, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Hero-Arkadag, and President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, a military officer wished them good health, long life, and great success in their responsible state activities. He assured that the defenders of the Fatherland would stand as a steel shield in defense of the peace and tranquility of their beloved homeland, following the exemplary example of the talented teacher, brave warrior, and patriot Berdymuhamed Annayev, as well as the honored veteran of the internal affairs organs Myalikguly Berdimuhamedov.

In conclusion, second-year student of the Turkmen Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics Selim Amanmyradov spoke on behalf of the youth of the country, congratulating Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and the head of state on the 33rd anniversary of the sacred independence of the homeland. He expressed deep gratitude for the opportunity to participate in the Halk Maslahaty session, held in the era of the Renaissance of the new epoch of the powerful state.

It was emphasized that the continued exemplary path of the National Leader of the Turkmen People, Hero-Arkadag Serdar, inspires the younger generation to great achievements.

“Active participation in the construction and creation of a bright future is a sacred duty for us,” highlighted S. Amanmyradov. He noted that today, Turkmen youth, by participating in international and subject olympiads and sports competitions, demonstrate high results and earn medals and awards.

The joy of young hearts was filled by the International Scientific and Practical Conference and the multidisciplinary exhibition held at the end of 2023 under the slogan “Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar.” The books of the President of Turkmenistan, “Youth – the Support of the Fatherland” and “Anau – Culture from the Depths of Millennia,” serve the cause of patriotic education for the younger generation, stimulating their thirst for knowledge and inspiring them for new remarkable achievements.

Recalling that in honor of the first anniversary of the opening of the city of Arkadag, the scholars studying celestial bodies of the society “Cosmos-Earth” named one of the stars “Arkadag” and presented a corresponding certificate, as well as a modern telescope and photographs of the star to one of the prestigious universities of the country – Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly, the student from the Turkmen Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics emphasized that important initiatives, significant work done, and achievements in science and state policy have become a source of great pride for the younger generation.

It was highlighted that the life path of the renowned teacher Berdymuhamed Annayev, the honored veteran of the internal affairs organs Myalikguly Berdimuhamedov, and the National Leader of the Turkmen People serve as a splendid example of patriotism for Turkmen youth, while the wise principles of Hero-Arkadag Serdar are a source of inspiration.

S. Amanmyradov assured that the forum's delegates welcomed the decisions made at this historic session of the Halk Maslahaty with enthusiasm, stating that the youth of the country would make a worthy contribution to achieving the set great goals.

Expressing the best wishes to Hero-Arkadag and the President of Turkmenistan, S. Amanmyradov concluded his speech by reciting patriotic verses.

Summarizing the discussion that took place, the National Leader of the Turkmen People, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, noted that at today’s historic session of the Halk Maslahaty, the most important issues of state and social-political life were discussed, and speeches were heard expressing support for all the initiatives we put forward. In this regard, Hero-Arkadag thanked all the speakers and those who actively participated in the discussion of these issues.

A short break was then announced, after which the session of the Halk Maslahaty continued with the participation of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

The National Leader of the Turkmen People gave the floor to the head of state, who from the high tribune of the forum highlighted the results of the work carried out in our independent neutral state.

Warmly welcoming those present and all fellow countrymen, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that today, in the era of the Renaissance of the new epoch of a powerful state, we celebrate the main holiday of the country – the 33rd anniversary of the sacred independence of the homeland, with glorious achievements and labor successes. Speaking about this, the head of Turkmenistan sincerely congratulated everyone on this significant date and wished them good health, happiness, and great success in their work.

As further emphasized by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, over the years of independence, our country has achieved a great deal. Thanks to the grand initiatives and large-scale initiatives of the National Leader of the Turkmen People, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan, Hero-Arkadag, which have further enhanced the authority of the independent neutral Fatherland, it has transformed into a strong state in all respects. At the current session of the Halk Maslahaty, we are setting goals for the future, the achievement of which will ensure the progressive development of the homeland.

The dynamics of national economic growth is consistent, allowing for a significant increase in the well-being of the population, continued the head of Turkmenistan. The growth rate of the gross domestic product has steadily remained at 6.3 percent since the beginning of the current year, serving as a kind of indicator of the successful implementation of the reforms underway in the country.

Targeted measures are being taken to significantly enhance the effectiveness of state investment policy. There is a positive trend in the implementation of regional and national investment projects, which contributes to strengthening the economic potential of the regions of the country. In this regard, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that the recently held Investment Forum provided good opportunities in the context of strengthening Turkmenistan’s economic partnership with the global community, allowing for the establishment of new business contacts and showcasing our investment potential. As for the implementation of investment projects and the expansion of targeted international cooperation, work in this direction will continue.

“According to the ‘Program of Socio-Economic Development of Turkmenistan and Investments in 2024,’ significant capital investments amounting to 38 billion 500 million manats will be allocated by the end of the current year,” said the head of state. “These funds are directed toward the development of our country, specifically allowing for the construction and modernization of facilities for production and socio-cultural purposes.”

In Turkmenistan, the construction of modern residential buildings with increased comfort is successfully continuing. The volume of concessional loans for the purchase of housing and consumer loans is regularly increasing. Comfortable residential buildings are being constructed with state funds for citizens in need, and they are also provided with additional social preferences. Overall, the radical transformations clearly demonstrate the successful implementation of large-scale initiatives for the happy life of the people of Turkmenistan. All our achievements are driven by the motto, “The Motherland is only the Motherland with the people! The state is only the state with the people!” emphasized President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

“The main goal of our economic policy is the consistent improvement of the people’s welfare. We are taking comprehensive measures to create new jobs in the regions of the country and ensure social protection for the population. The construction of modern cities and new villages is also ongoing,” noted the head of state.

In order to successfully address the tasks defined in the Program “Renaissance of a New Era of a Powerful State: National Program for Socio-Economic Development of Turkmenistan for 2022-2052” in the upcoming year, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed to develop and present to the Halk Maslahaty the “Program for Socio-Economic Development of Turkmenistan and Investments in 2025.”

The state budget is an important tool for economic planning. This year, based on the country’s main financial document, significant funds have been allocated for the development of education, healthcare, and culture, as well as for the construction of production and social infrastructure facilities. Of these, the total amount allocated for the construction of production facilities was 67.8 percent, and for social purposes, it was 32.2 percent. Thus, the head of Turkmenistan emphasized that the targeted use and appropriation of the expenditure part of the State Budget have been ensured. As for its revenue part, it has increased due to economic reforms, innovative development, and an increased share of the private sector.

The reforms carried out to improve the quality of banking services and stabilize the national currency have ensured the stability of monetary circulation and economic growth, noted President Serdar Berdimuhamedov. From January 1 of the new year, the salaries of employees of budget-financed institutions, self-financing enterprises, and public organizations, pensions, state benefits, and student scholarships will be increased by 10 percent.

The head of state also noted that the strategy for the accelerated development of the domestic oil and gas industry and its integration into the international energy infrastructure is successfully continuing. This year, our focus is on enhancing the potential of this sector, particularly through the construction of new specialized complexes for oil and natural gas processing and improving geological exploration work.

As President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized, the main section of the Turkmenistan–Afghanistan–Pakistan–India gas pipeline along the route of Serhetabat–Herat, known as "Arkadagyň ak ýoly," has recently begun construction. Additionally, there have been ceremonies for the commissioning and laying of major energy and transport-communication infrastructure projects. These significant events, which have opened new opportunities for us, demonstrate the consistent strengthening of good relations between Turkmenistan and Afghanistan at the initiative of the Hero-Arkadag.

A considerable amount of work aimed at forming innovative production in the independent Motherland is being carried out in the construction and industrial complex, the head of state further noted. Necessary prerequisites are also being created to enhance the potential of this complex and establish a production base for business activity in this field.

The construction of state-level highways is ongoing, along with the construction of an automobile bridge across the Garabogaz Gulf, and the material and technical base of the industry is being steadily strengthened to modernize highways in accordance with international standards.

Practical measures are also being taken to create new chemical industry productions. In this regard, the President of Turkmenistan noted that this year, the second phase of the cement plants "Bäherden" and "Lebap," each with a production capacity of 1 million tons per year, was ceremonially commissioned in the Akhal and Lebap velayats.

Additionally, water purification facilities have been opened in the capital’s Bagtyýarlyk etrap and in the Yashlyk settlement of the Ak Bugday etrap of the Akhal velayat, which serves as a clear testament to the successful implementation of state policies to ensure the population has access to clean drinking water.

Significant results have also been achieved in creating the country’s ring energy network: high-voltage overhead power lines have been commissioned along the routes of Akhal–Balkan, Mary–Akhal, and Balkan–Dashoguz. These measures have improved energy supply for internal consumers and optimized electricity exports from various regions of the Motherland, the head of state noted. Meanwhile, the construction of a combined-cycle power plant in the Turkmenbashy etrap of the Balkan velayat is progressing at an accelerated pace. In the coming days, a ceremony will be held to open a hybrid solar-wind power plant in the Kizylarvat etrap of the Balkan velayat.

Overall, the creation of new productions in the construction and industrial complex will continue to be consistent, emphasized President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

Thanks to the social policies being implemented throughout the country— in the regions, the cities of Ashgabat and Arkadag— a steady growth rate is observed. Regarding the first "smart" city in the country’s history, Arkadag, which was built at the initiative of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, this year marked the anniversary of its opening, said the head of Turkmenistan. At a recent international exhibition in the Republic of Korea, the city received three awards. Notably, Arkadag was awarded the grand prize as the most distinguished among smart cities, which brings special pride.

Heartily congratulating the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, and all fellow countrymen on this significant and joyous occasion, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that the second phase of the city’s construction is currently underway. Within its framework, the construction and opening of a number of facilities—comfortable residential buildings, specialized industrial productions, and social infrastructure—are planned to be completed by 2026.

Measures to improve the living standards of the population will continue to be consistent, and this fact once again confirms that the well-being of citizens is a priority of state policy, emphasized the head of Turkmenistan.

Turning to the topic of agriculture—one of the leading sectors of the national economy—President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that in order to stimulate wheat and cotton producers, the state purchasing prices for these products have been raised for this year's harvest. Hardworking farmers have delivered over 1.4 million tons of wheat to the state, which is a source of abundance and a treasure of our people and sovereign Motherland. In this context, the head of Turkmenistan sincerely congratulated the masters of high yields who have done significant work in cultivating and harvesting a generous grain harvest and fulfilled their contractual obligations.

Regarding the dedicated cotton producers, it is expected that this year they will deliver 1.25 million tons of "white gold" to the state.

Tasks for developing the silk production sector are being effectively addressed, with over 2,150 tons of cocoons produced this year. There is also significant progress in livestock and poultry farming: the population of cattle, birds, and camels is increasing. In this regard, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that in the development of agriculture, we rely directly on science and advanced technologies.

At the same time, the head of state emphasized that a lot is being done in the independent Motherland to preserve the purity of the Akhal-Teke horse breed and increase their numbers, as well as to breed Turkmen Alabai dogs, which are a national pride, and systematically improve the art of dog breeding.

Measures aimed at ensuring a careful attitude towards nature, preserving and enhancing its wealth, are also a focal point, said the President of Turkmenistan. This year, the fourth edition of the Red Book has been released, aimed at promoting the protection of flora and fauna.

Based on the National Forestry Program, comprehensive work is being done to transform the Motherland into a blooming garden: ecological well-being is supported through annual nationwide greening campaigns. According to Turkmenistan’s National Climate Change Strategy, significant efforts are being made to minimize methane emissions from industrial enterprises operating in our country. As the head of state noted, the global community supported our proposal to create a Regional Center for Climate-Related Technologies in Central Asia, as well as to develop the "Caspian Environmental Initiative," which will serve as an effective international mechanism for the protection of the Caspian Sea ecosystem and biodiversity.

The trade complex is also one of the leading sectors of the country's economy. Goods marked "Made in Turkmenistan" are in high demand in the global market. The lines of their distribution are expanding, and at the same time, the volume of domestic export products is increasing, the President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stated with satisfaction. Exhibitions and conferences, organized on a regular basis, play a significant role in enhancing international partnerships.

Substantial reforms are also being carried out to modernize the textile industry: complexes for producing high-quality goods are being built, and export potential is being increased to meet current demands. In addition, special attention is being paid to the globally renowned national art of carpet weaving. In this regard, targeted measures are being taken to further popularize and improve this art. Overall, we will continue to enhance the production capacity of the industry by launching new specialized enterprises in the future, emphasized the head of state.

Touching upon the activities of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that the members of the UIPT are engaged in various fields. In a very short time, they have achieved impressive results. Entrepreneurs make a significant contribution to establishing high-tech productions of competitive products focused on export. Transformations aimed at the development of small, medium, and large businesses will continue in our country.

The head of state also noted that comprehensive reforms are being implemented in the domestic transport and communication sector, aimed at reviving the ancient trade route—the Great Silk Road—in a new format. Efforts are being made to activate passenger and cargo transportation across all modes of transport and to fully utilize the international transport and transit potential. In this regard, Turkmenistan collaborates with several major international organizations, including the United Nations.

A priority is the expansion of the infrastructure of transport and transit corridors along the North-South and West-East routes. Everything necessary is being done to develop the China-Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran transport corridor and increase the volume of cargo transportation, emphasized President Serdar Berdimuhamedov. The formation of an international multimodal transport corridor from the Asia-Pacific region to Europe is also of great importance.

In various parts of the country, large-scale construction of production and social facilities related to the transport and communication sector continues. This year, the complex of the international airport in the town of Jebel in the Balkan velayat will be commissioned, and in the city of Turkmenbashi, modern residential buildings of increased comfort for employees of the aforementioned sector will be opened. Overall, the material and technical base of the sector will continue to be strengthened, noted the head of state.

Effective work is underway in the education system for the comprehensive upbringing of the young generation with a broad outlook. In this regard, tasks such as the construction of educational institutions and gymnasium schools that meet international standards are brought to the forefront.

In this context, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that today, in Ashgabat, complexes of new buildings for the Turkmen State Architectural and Construction Institute and the higher educational institution of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan are being constructed at an accelerated pace, while in the city of Turkmenabat, the Turkmen State Pedagogical Institute named after Seyitnazar Seydi is being built. Additionally, in Mary, the construction of the educational buildings and dormitory complex for the State Energy Institute of Turkmenistan continues.

This year, in honor of Knowledge Day and Student Youth Day, the complex of new buildings for the Specialized Military School named after Berdymuhamed Annaev was ceremonially opened, as well as the general education school named after Mahtumkuli in the Republic of Tajikistan, as a sign of the continuity of friendship and brotherhood between us, said the head of state. At the same time, on that significant day, modern schools and kindergartens equipped with advanced technologies opened their doors wide for young citizens in the velayats of the country. All of this serves as a vivid example of the successful implementation of educational reforms.

In the field of science, significant work has been done to enhance the effectiveness of scientific research and new technological developments. In this regard, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that the accelerated development of science and technology and the emergence of new technologies require the improvement of teaching methods in educational institutions.

One of the priorities of state policy in Turkmenistan is the protection of health and the provision of a happy life for the people. The healthcare system offers accessible and high-quality medical services that meet international standards. With the establishment of the "Arkadag Medisina Klasteri Menejment" enterprise, a wide range of medical products is being produced. In the future, such products, made from local raw materials and meeting environmental safety standards, will occupy a significant niche in the world market, noted the head of state.

"We will soon officially open the International Scientific-Clinical Center of Physiology and the International Wellness and Rehabilitation Center in Ashgabat. The ceremonies will coincide with the Day of Healthcare Workers and the Medical Industry of Turkmenistan. At the same time, a modern enterprise for producing medications based on licorice root will be launched in the city of Turkmenabat in the Lebap velayat," said President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

In the capital, the accelerated construction of the International Pediatric Center, the International Scientific-Clinical Center of Oncology, and the Dental Center continues, while an additional complex of buildings for 400 patients is being constructed at the Archman Sanatorium. In the near future, international oncology centers will be built in the Mary, Balkan, and Lebap velayats, and a Center for the Health Protection of Mothers and Children will be established in the Dashoguz velayat, noted the head of state.

All this work demonstrates the vast scale of the integration of advanced practices in disease prevention, diagnosis, and therapy into the national healthcare system. In short, the protection of public health and ensuring well-being in the country are our paramount goals, emphasized the President of Turkmenistan.

Among the priorities of state policy is also the development of domestic physical culture and sports, the strengthening of citizens' health, and the formation of a physically strong younger generation.

"In Turkmenistan, the V Asian Indoor Games and Martial Arts, the World Weightlifting Championship, and the International Rally 'Amul–Hazar,' which traversed the expanses of the Karakum Desert, were successfully held," said the head of state. "We have also achieved similar results in hosting the Regional Tennis Tournament among juniors from Central Asian countries, the World Kurash Wrestling Championship, the International Hockey Tournament, and other competitions."

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov also noted that by the decision of the Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Ashgabat was proclaimed the City of New Sports Opportunities of the Commonwealth. At the same time, the Asian Tennis Federation declared the Tennis Complex in the structure of the capital's Olympic Town as the Asian Training Center for Tennis. These events significantly enhanced Turkmenistan's reputation on the international sports stage.

As the head of state further emphasized, culture and art are the spiritual heritage of the people. This sphere plays a significant role in the careful preservation and glorification of the intangible values and cultural heritage of the Turkmen. Festivals, concerts, exhibitions, creative meetings, and other cultural events are regularly held. Their goal is to promote the achievements of our culture and art around the world. In this regard, it should be noted that this year, the Culture Week took place in the region's unparalleled city of Arkadag, and next year this remarkable celebration of art will be held in the Akhal velayat.

"We will continue to provide all conditions for creative workers to work productively, creating modern and perfect works," said the President of Turkmenistan.

The National Leader of the Turkmen people has proposed the initiative for a grand celebration of the 300th anniversary of Makhtumkuli Fragi and the creation of a monument in his honor. As a result, this year a ceremony took place in a picturesque corner of our capital for the opening of the cultural and park complex "Magtymguly Pyragy," along with the monument dedicated to our poet and thinker, noted the head of state.

On the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the outstanding philosopher of the East, the International Organization of Turkic Culture (TURKSOY) declared the year 2024 as the "Year of the Great Poet and Thinker of the Turkic World – Makhtumkuli Fragi." In this significant year, the city of Anau proudly bears the title of "Cultural Capital of the Turkic World," which holds particular importance.

In this context, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov expressed confidence that the upcoming International Forum of Heads of States and Governments, dedicated to the 300th anniversary of Makhtumkuli Fragi, as well as other large-scale events associated with the proclamation of Anau as the cultural capital of the Turkic world in 2024, will significantly expand the bonds of friendship and brotherhood with countries around the world.

The head of state also noted that Turkmenistan places special emphasis on constructive cooperation with the United Nations on issues related to education, science, and culture – UNESCO. Over time, the Ancient Merv, Kunya-Urgench, and Parthian fortresses of Nisa have been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Nine intangible cultural values nominated by our country have been added to the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Cooperation with UNESCO will continue to expand. In this regard, appropriate work should be carried out to include the breeding of Alabay dogs, the traditions of making children's cradles – sallanchak, and the art of singing lullabies in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, emphasized President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

Additionally, the head of state noted that necessary measures should be taken to include the once-thriving settlements of Altyn-depe and Ulu-depe, archaeological site of Dehistan, located at the crossroads of the Great Silk Road, and the mountainous ecosystem of Koytendag in the World Heritage List. This also pertains to joining the city of Arkadag to the UNESCO Creative Cities Network and its educational institutions to the network of associated schools of this organization.

"The expansion of relations with countries around the globe based on equality and mutual benefit is one of the priorities of Turkmenistan's foreign policy. Guided by the status of positive neutrality, recognized twice by the United Nations and enshrined in our Constitution, we do everything necessary to strengthen cooperation with authoritative international structures," said President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

The exemplary neutrality of the Motherland for all members of the global community is also confirmed by the establishment of the Strategic Advisory Council "Turkmenistan-UN." It is noteworthy that at the 63rd plenary session of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly, at our country's initiative, the Resolution "2025 – International Year of Peace and Trust" was unanimously adopted, noted the head of state. This event was a clear testament to the global recognition of Turkmenistan's efforts to ensure universal peace and strengthen trust among the nations of the planet. In this regard, we must prepare thoroughly for the significant and glorious date of the upcoming 2025 – the 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan's neutrality, to celebrate it with remarkable events and great achievements alongside the global community.

Addressing those present, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that the Mejlis of the country is carrying out effective work aimed at protecting the legitimate interests of citizens and developing sectors of the economy. At the same time, it is necessary to significantly strengthen the legal framework for large-scale activities to substantially improve the living standards of the people. In this aspect, the adoption of new legislative acts and systematic modernization of existing ones is one of the urgent requirements.

The grand reforms being implemented in our country require all of us to be serious and dedicated in our work, achieving high results. Therefore, considering our responsibility to our Motherland, to current and future generations, we must continuously improve the activities of the highest state authorities, emphasized the head of Turkmenistan.

Turning to the participants of the meeting and all compatriots, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that our path in the era of the Renaissance of a powerful state is a path of happiness and sovereign development, along which we will confidently move forward, uniting the past, present, and future. In this way, we will continue to successfully follow the course laid down by Hero-Arkadag for the sake of our country's development in unity and harmony.

"The information presented at the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan about our achievements, as well as new goals, set significant tasks for us in the coming year, which I firmly believe we will be able to honorably resolve through selfless work together with the people," said the head of state.

Our main goal is to confidently advance the Motherland into a great future; therefore, we must direct all our efforts to ensure the further prosperity of the Motherland and improve the living standards of our courageous people, emphasized President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

Once again, from the bottom of his heart, the head of state congratulated those gathered and the native people on the 33rd anniversary of Turkmenistan's independence, wishing everyone good health, a peaceful and happy life, and prosperity for the independent neutral Motherland.

"May the authority of our independent state continue to grow in the world! Long live the era of the Renaissance of a new epoch of a powerful state! Long live independent neutral Turkmenistan!" With these inspiring words, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov concluded his speech at the Halk Maslahaty meeting.

The speech of the President of Turkmenistan about the work done by the Government and future plans was listened to with deep attention and met with prolonged applause.

The National Leader of the Turkmen people appealed to the President of Turkmenistan with a request to sign documents awarding citizens who distinguished themselves in labor with state awards on the occasion of Independence Day, as well as for the comprehensive development of our sovereign Motherland.

Amid the applause of those present, the head of state signed the relevant documents.

In this regard, Hero-Arkadag noted that tomorrow, by order of the President of Turkmenistan, ceremonial award presentations will take place.

At the same time, it was mentioned that, following a good tradition, representatives of the older generation are awarded deserved honors at the Halk Maslahaty meeting.

On behalf of those present, the National Leader of the Turkmen people addressed Arkadagly Hero Serdar with a request to award one representative from each velayat and the city of Ashgabat, who were honored with the title "Hormatly il ýaşulusy" of Turkmenistan and the Turkmenistan Order "Zenan kalby" on the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of state independence.

The floor was given to the Chairwoman of the Mejlis D. Gulmanova to announce the decrees on the awards.

In a solemn atmosphere, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov presented awards to representatives of the older generation who were awarded the title "Hormatly il ýaşulusy" of Turkmenistan and to our compatriots who received the order "Zenan kalby" for their conscientious and inspired labor in various fields, as well as for educating the youth in the spirit of patriotism and high spiritual and moral values of the nation.

With sincere pride, the esteemed elders and mothers accepted their well-deserved awards, expressing heartfelt gratitude for the high appreciation of their labor and the constant care shown by Hero-Arkadag and Arkadagly Hero Serdar for the well-being and happiness of the native people.

Then, the ceremony of awarding those honored with the title "Hero of Turkmenistan" took place.

To the applause of the participants, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov solemnly presented the highest state award to the president of the Production and Scientific Seed Association of the Commonwealth of Independent States, head of the Intergovernmental Coordinating Council on Seed Production of the CIS, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Academician I.I. Kuzmin, the People's Artist of Turkmenistan, laureate of the International Makhtumkuli Prize A.S. Nurmuhammedova, and the renowned sculptor, People's Artist of Turkmenistan S. Babaev.

Expressing heartfelt gratitude for the high award, Academician I.I. Kuzmin expressed admiration for the achievements of modern, dynamically developing Turkmenistan, as well as appreciation for the conditions created by the Government of the country for broad international cooperation. This was evidenced by the recent major forums held in Ashgabat, including the latest meeting of the Intergovernmental Coordinating Council on Seed Production and the International Scientific Conference "Achieved Milestones and Set Tasks in Agricultural Crop Seed Production," along with an exhibition of agricultural achievements in Turkmenistan.

Expressing heartfelt gratitude to the head of state for the enormous honor of being awarded the highest distinction – the title of "Hero of Turkmenistan," A.S. Nurmuhammedova and S. Babaev, in turn, emphasized that such a high evaluation of their work would inspire them to new deeds, enriching the love and pride for sovereign Turkmenistan, which confidently follows its chosen path of prosperity and comprehensive development.

In his closing remarks to the participants, the National Leader of the Turkmen people noted that significant issues were discussed and prospective tasks were determined in accordance with the Presidential Program during the Halk Maslahaty meeting.

Thanking those present for their active participation in the discussion of the agenda items, Hero-Arkadag emphasized the main goal – the further prosperity of our independent, permanently neutral country, and expressed firm confidence that our people, under the leadership of President Arkadagly Hero Serdar, would successfully implement great transformations.

"In this work, we rely on the youth, who take pride in our glorious past, our current happy life, and our bright future, having become the support of our native Motherland," emphasized the National Leader of the Turkmen people.

Hero-Arkadag highlighted the significance of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan, which plays a special role in the era of the Renaissance of a new epoch of a powerful state, in uniting the people around achieving great goals and moving forward – towards the peaks of progress and prosperity.

Summarizing the meeting, the Chairwoman of the Halk Maslahaty noted the importance of the significant tasks ahead for ensuring the further development of the sovereign state and the happy life of the people, expressing firm confidence that every citizen would make a worthy contribution to this large-scale work.

Once again, sincerely congratulating those present on the glorious holiday – the 33rd anniversary of the sacred independence of the Motherland, Hero-Arkadag wished everyone good health, a prosperous and happy life, and new successes in the work being carried out for the further prosperity of the Motherland.

In conclusion, the Chairwoman of the Halk Maslahaty, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, read proverbs that reflect the wisdom of the Turkmen people, their aspiration for unity and cohesion, and their reverence for age-old traditions and the teachings of their ancestors:

  1. Ýagşy niýet – ýarym döwlet.
  2. Maslahatly biçilen don gysga bolmaz.
  3. Agzybire Taňry biýr.
  4. Köpüň dilegi köl bolar.
  5. Geçmişi bolmadygyň geljegi bolmaz.
  6. Arkalaşan dag aşar.
  7. Ýoly ýörän ýeňer.
  8. Ýagşydan at galar.
  9. Döwletliden döwlet ýokar.
  10. Ilim-günüm bolmasa, Aýym-Günüm dogmasyn.
  11. Söýenişen – ýykylmaz.
  12. Akylly iş – ganatly guş.

Further, Hero-Arkadag addressed the participants with a proposal to hold a sadaqa (charitable donation) tomorrow at the "Türkmenbaşynyň ruhy" mosque, in accordance with the traditions of our ancestors.

This proposal was unanimously approved.

Further, Hero-Arkadag addressed the participants of the meeting with a proposal, following the traditions of our ancestors, to hold a sadaqa (charitable donation) tomorrow at the "Türkmenbaşynyň ruhy" mosque.

This proposal was unanimously approved.

With that, the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, declared the meeting of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan closed.

Under the arches of the "Maslahat köşgi," the majestic sounds of the National Anthem of Turkmenistan once again resounded.

* * *

At the conclusion of the Halk Maslahaty meeting, in the foyer of the "Maslahat köşgi" Palace, the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Hero-Arkadag, congratulated President Serdar Berdimuhamedov on the upcoming holiday – the 33rd anniversary of sacred independence, as well as on the important decisions made at the nationwide forum aimed at ensuring the happy life of the people and the harmonious development of our country.

Following the Chair of the Halk Maslahaty, the head of state was warmly congratulated by the Chair of the Mejlis, the deputies of the Chair of the Cabinet of Ministers, and the heads of the military and law enforcement agencies of Turkmenistan.

As noted, the high-level meeting, which became a significant event of the year "The Treasure of Wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi," inspired our hardworking people to new labor victories.

Such large-scale events have a positive impact on the further consolidation of society, contributing to the successful implementation of the great goals of the era of the Renaissance of a new epoch of a powerful state, initiated by the National Leader of the Turkmen people.

Thanking everyone for their congratulations and kind words, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov warmly congratulated everyone on the approaching main state holiday, wishing success in their responsible work for the prosperity of the sovereign Motherland.


Source: TDH