Tajibay Field: Natural Reserve of Sulphur-Free Gas

Tajibay Field: Natural Reserve of Sulphur-Free Gas

New deposit, which belongs to gas saturated sandstones of Shatlyk horizon of the early cretaceous period, has been discovered in the southeast of Turkmenistan. Gas in located at small depth in this sediments and is easy for production and, which is very important, there is no hydrogen sulphide.

Personnel of the Institute of Natural Gas of the State Concern Turkmengaz had an objectives for discovery of these unique deposits. Head of laboratory of operational analysis of geologic and physical materials and drilling data Igor Prihod’ko told how scientists of the institute fulfilled this objective in Tajibay field:

- To fulfil set objective, specialists of the Institute made thorough analysis of replacement zone of highly porous sandstones of Shatlyk horizon with halites within southeast border of Bagaja Range in Charjew etrap, Lebap Velayat. In the result, so-called transit zone, where partial replacement of gas saturated sandstones with halites takes place, has been discovered next to famous Malay gas deposit. We recommended to start exploration drillings to the departments of the State Concern Turkemngeologia at Tajibay field.

Well-test of the layer has been made at the depth of 2,402 meters. Drilling personnel received industrial flow of gas with the debit of 557,000 cubic meters of gas per day. Core samples have also shown the presence of highly porous gas saturated sandstones. It is important to mention that project depth of this well is 3,800 meters. After completion of drilling works and test of lower carbonate formation, we hope to receive industrial flow of gas.

By the results of the test in well No. 1, specialists of the Institute to continue drilling on another exploration well with project depth of 2,600 meters at Tajibay Field. Our proposals have been implemented. During drilling of this well, the geologists received high debit industrial flow of gas, more than 892,000 cubic meters, on Shatlkyk horizon. Comprehensive test confirmed the reserves of sulphur free gas, which debit is 475,000 cubic meters per day. In this regard, estimation of new deposit has been made.

In addition, forecast about transit zone with gas bearing sandstones at the territory of Southeast Turkmenistan has been confirmed. The drilling reveals that the horizon, which has not been completely studied yet, has big gas reserves.

By recommendations of the personnel of the Institute of Natural Gas, specialists of the state Concern Turkmengeologia plan to start the drilling of exploration well No. 1 at west Tajibay Field, which also promises industrial flow of gas. The study of replacement zone of gas bearing sandstones with halites will be continued for discovery of new deposits of sulphur-free gas.

March 17, 2025