Balkan-Based Company to Produce 150 Tons of Iodine Per Year

Balkan-Based Company to Produce 150 Tons of Iodine Per Year
The annual production capacity of a new modern enterprise is 150 tons of technical iodine.

A new iodine production plant, commissioned by the Himiya Senagat economic society, was put into operation on the Chalja field of the Bereket etrap of Balkan velayat on Wednesday.

The site possesses large reserves of groundwater rich in iodine and bromine. The annual production capacity of a new modern enterprise is 150 tons of technical iodine. It was constructed by the Ayt economic society, a member of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan.

During the first exploration works of the site, a well was drilled to a depth of 600m. The estimated reserves of iodine-bromine water in this well are enough to provide the new plant with an adequate supply of raw materials for the production of technical iodine.

The company has installed the latest equipment of Russian and Turkish manufacturers and created about 60 new jobs.

Himiya Senagat economic society plans to build another iodine production plant at this field in the near future. Environmentally friendly Turkmen technical iodine is an important chemical product in the production of non-ferrous metals, synthetic rubber, paints, varnishes, combined feed, medical drugs and the pure metal.

It is also planned to actively begin processing the stocks of iodine-bromine water to further increase the capacities of the enterprises producing iodine, bromine and relevant products in Balkan velayat.  As a result, the production of technical iodine in Turkmenistan is expected increase by 2-3 times within seven years. The export of the iodine is expected to exceed 1 thousand tons by 2024.