Turkmen Farm Supplies Fresh Camel Milk to Consumers

Turkmen Farm Supplies Fresh Camel Milk to Consumers

Camel breeding farm of the Turkmen Entrepreneur Polat Kanayev, which counts 500 camels, produces the dairy products under the brand name Gudratly önüm.

Although not much time has passed since the commissioning of the camel-breeding farm in the Ahal village of the Gokdepe etrap, its high-quality dairy products are in high demand among population. Agaran, cream, and chal produced at a special facility of the farm became one of the best-selling products of local stores.

Various medicinal plants of Karakum desert are used as a feed for camels, thus ensuring the high nutritional value and benefit of these dairy products for human health.

“Camel’s meat, milk, and fur are beneficial for human health. These animals live in wide steppes. Our farm contains 200 females, 100 males, and the rest – are camel calf. The farm includes all the conditions for the proper breeding of camels,” Kanayev notes.

Milk obtained in the special production facility of the farm is processed to make chal, agaran and cream. At present, a large group of young people work in the camel breeding farm, including in its production facility. Thanks to their conscientious work, about 2 tons of camel milk is processed per day.

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