Japanese Businesses Ready to Implement Large Projects in Turkmen Market

Japanese Businesses Ready to Implement Large Projects in Turkmen Market
Representatives of over 40 Turkmen private companies have left for Japan to participate in the business forum.

Japanese business circles expressed interest in expanding their positions in the rapidly developing Turkmen market and in participating in the implementation of new projects in Turkmenistan during the Turkmen-Japanese business forum, Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan (UIET) announced Monday.

Representatives of the UIET and industry departments of Turkmenistan, as well as heads of leading Japanese corporations and companies attended the business forum, held at the Shinagawa Prince Hotel in Tokyo.

Turkmen and Japanese business circles held bilateral negotiations in such areas as promoting foreign trade, engineering, oil, gas and chemical industry, electric power equipment, production of water equipment, electronic industry products, training specialists for agricultural production, banking, manufacturing, sale and installation of industrial equipment, trade and tourism.

Representatives of over 40 Turkmen private companies have left for Japan to participate in the business forum. An exhibition of Turkmen national clothes was organized on the sidelines of the forum.

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