Grenage Plant in Turkmenabat Optimizes Production Process

Grenage Plant in Turkmenabat Optimizes Production Process
Silkworm producers in Turkmenistan produced more than 2.26 thousand tons of silkworm cocoons last year.

A comprehensive reconstruction of the Lebapýüpek Production Association’s Grenage Plant in Turkmenabat has been completed. The enterprise built two new workshops and carried out the modernization of existing production lines, which allowed optimizing the production process.

At the association’s plant, located at the bank of Amy Derya river in northeastern Turkmenistan, the specialists carry out breeding work. During the years of independence, the enterprise has bred elite silkworm varieties such as Turkmen-13, Turkmen-16, Ak Pille-1, Ak Pille-2, Dostluk -1, Dostluk-2, which yield high-quality silk threads.

The company grows silkworm eggs coming from two partner farms located in Charjew etrap. Breeding cocoons are carefully selected at the factory’s laboratory.

The plant produced over 168 kilograms of silkworm eggs last year. The enterprise plans to increase this figure up to 200 kilograms in 2020.

Silkworm producers in Turkmenistan produced more than 2.26 thousand tons of silkworm cocoons last year.

March 15, 2025