Construction of Hand-Made Carpet Enterprise in Gubadag Etrap Nears Completion

Construction of Hand-Made Carpet Enterprise in Gubadag Etrap Nears Completion
The new enterprise will employ 150 people.

Construction of a new enterprise for the production of hand-made carpets and carpet products in the administrative center of Dashoguz velayat’s Gubadag etrap is nearing completion. The enterprise is being built by the Türkmenhaly (Turkmen Carpets) State Association’s Dashoguz velayat carpet weaving enterprise, the official media of Turkmenistan reported on Thursday.

The plant will include an administrative building, which will house a small museum of Turkmen hand-made carpets, office premises, a workshop, two warehouses for finished products, a boiler room, water tanks, and a 860-square-meter production hall.

The total area of the new plant along the Azadi Street is 0.5 hectares. The new enterprise will employ 150 people.

Türkmenhaly is the main supplier of renowned Turkmen hand-made carpets from Turkmenistan to the global markets. The association includes eight enterprises for the production of traditional Turkmen carpets and these enterprises in turn contain over 100 carpet weaving sites and workshops located in all velayats of Turkmenistan. These enterprises employ more than 5,000 carpet-weavers.