Lezzetli Miwe Economic Society, a member of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan (UIET), exported more than 30 tons of peaches to Russia, the official Turkmen media reported on Tuesday.
The company harvested more than 207 tons of peaches from the trees planted on 200 hectares of land allocated at the A. Takhirov Daikhan Association in Ahal province’s Kaka district.
"We brought varieties of fruit trees suitable for the country's climate to our country from Turkey and have grown more than 250,000 of them. To date, we have harvested 130 tons of apples, 4 tons of eggplant, 112 tons of potatoes and 538 tons of barley," Sapargeldi Doliyev, the company Director, told the country’s official media.
In 2016, Lezzetli Miwe started growing vegetables and fruits at the land plot allocated to it.