Turkmen State Committee for Water Resources announces tender for purchase of spare parts
The State Committee for Water Resources of Turkmenistan, on behalf of the tender commission for competitive selection of suppliers, announces an international tender for the purchase of pumps, electrical equipment, spare parts, consumables and industrial raw materials for the following lots
Lot No. 1 - Pumping and power equipment and their spare parts
Lot No. 2 - Electrical equipment, cable products and materials
Lot No. 3 - Bearings, metal products, welding equipment and materials, materials for industrial foundry production
All interested legal entities and individuals who have the appropriate license and wish to participate in the tender must submit the tender commission of the State Committee for Water Resources of Turkmenistan:
- written application to participate in the tender indicating the full name of the participant, his legal status, country of registration and details;
- receive an invoice for each lot for payment of tender documents worth $920 (nine hundred twenty) or 3220 (three thousand two hundred twenty) manats, including 15% VAT;
- receive package of tender documents by paying in the invoice for each lot $920 (nine hundred twenty) or 3220 (three thousand two hundred twenty) manats, including 15% VAT.
The letter of application should be sent to the address: State Committee for Water Resources of Turkmenistan.
Registration of tender participants, issuance of bills, packages of tender documents and acceptance of tender proposals are carried out in the office. No. 424 and 426 from 10.00 to 18.00 local time.
Information phones: 44-83-90, 44-83-35