
Tatneft Branch in Turkmenistan Conducting Market Survey for Shrub Supply

Tatneft Branch in Turkmenistan is conducting a marketing survey in manats and RF roubles for the supply of shrubs to the branch’s base in Goturdepe

To participate in the tender, parties are invited to the office of the branch of Tatneft PJSC in Turkmenistan:

  • submit written application on the applicant’s official form addressed to the branch director about the desire to participate in the tender, signed by an authorized person and sealed with the full name of the participant, his legal status, country of registration and details (from companies registered or having bank accounts in offshore zones, applications are not accepted);
  • obtain the technical specification.

Submit the tender proposal (envelopes "A" and "B") within 5 (five) calendar days from the date of official publication on the website, but no later than 18:00.

The commercial (tender) proposal package must be provided in duplicate in two envelopes: Envelope "A" and Envelope "B". Proposals received later than the deadline will not be accepted.

Email address:

For additional information, contact the base manager, A. Annadzhanov: +993 637 737 972.

For inquiries regarding the submission of commercial proposals, contact the MTO group leader, R.K. Batyrov: +993 61 06 17 99.

Turkmenistan, Balkanabat, T.Satylov Street, block 150, building 59
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March 23, 2025