Ashgabat Residents Offered More Than 3,500 Vacancies

Ashgabat Residents Offered More Than 3,500 Vacancies
Vacancy Fair, July 5, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

3,748 vacancies were offered to the public on Wednesday at the office of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan (UIET) located in Ashgabat.

The event was organized jointly with the Labor and Employment Department of Ashgabat, the Labor and Employment Department of Buzmein district, and the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan.

Representatives of enterprises, organizations, and institutions of Turkmenistan, private entrepreneurs, and citizens of Ashgabat attended the event.

Vacancies are offered to the public four times a year. This time, 92 public and private institutions and enterprises offered vacancies to the public.

Veli-Grushlik company offered 30 vacancies, Dayhan - 9, Arzuvly - 38, Gala-Arslan-108 and Bahar – 83 job openings.