Turkmen Company Lezzetli Miwe Harvests 93 Tons of Peaches, Apples

Turkmen Company Lezzetli Miwe Harvests 93 Tons of Peaches, Apples
Peach harvest in Turkmenistan

Lezzetli Miwe Economic Society, the Turkmenistan-based vegetable and fruit producer, has harvested around 70 tons of peaches and 23 tons of apples this year, the country’s official media reported on Monday.

According to the company Director Sapar Doliyev, the company was allocated 200 hectares of land in Ahal province’s Kaka district.

"First we studied the soil composition of this area. In coordination with relevant specialists, we bring and plant garden seedlings from abroad, which quickly adapt to our soil and weather conditions. We have planted 250 thousand such seedlings brought from Turkey," Sapar Doliyev stated.

Cherry orchards occupy 100 hectares of the total area, peach orchards – 17.5 hectares, apple orchards – 25 hectares.

Lezzetli Miwe additionally grows almond trees on an area of 35 hectares. It aims to collect about 15 tons of almond harvest this year.