Lebap Silk Farmers Exceed Production Targets in Turkmenistan

Lebap Silk Farmers Exceed Production Targets in Turkmenistan
Weaving "keteni" fabric

The silk farmers from the Kerki, Danev, and Halach districts of the Lebap region were the first to successfully meet the cocoon production targets in the province, as reported by Türkmen gündogary newspaper on Thursday.

According to the regional newspaper, the Kerki district farmers delivered 85 tons and 200 kilograms, the Danev district farmers delivered 140 tons and 61 kilograms, and the Halach district farmers delivered 147 tons of silk cocoons.

The Lebap silk farmers aim to deliver 1,010 tons of product to the state warehouse this year.

Last year, the Lebap silk farmers exceeded their obligations by delivering 1,060 tons of silk cocoons to the state treasury instead of the planned 1,010 tons.

Silk production in Turkmenistan begins with mulberry tree cultivation. When the mulberry trees reach a certain size, "Türkmenýüpek" distributes them to farmers. The silkworm eggs are kept in the shade on the mulberry leaves. The eggs hatch into silkworms, which feed on the mulberry leaves until they spin cocoons. These cocoons are then boiled to produce silk.