Turkmen President Participates in Bicycle Ride on World Bicycle Day

Turkmen President Participates in Bicycle Ride on World Bicycle Day
Mass bike ride dedicated to World Bicycle Day, June 3, 2024, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov participated in a mass bicycle ride in Ashgabat on Monday to commemorate World Bicycle Day, Turkmenistan's official media reports.

The bicycle ride started in front of the Bicycle monument located at the intersection of Chandybil Avenue and Bekrewe Street in Ashgabat.

Leaders from various sectors, students, heads of diplomatic missions, and international organizations accredited in Turkmenistan joined the event in Ashgabat to celebrate World Bicycle Day.

The mass bicycle ride continued along Bitarap Turkmenistan Avenue in Ashgabat.

President Berdimuhamedov also warmly congratulated the Turkmen people on the international holiday of health and inspiration - World Bicycle Day.

"World Bicycle Day holds a special place in the national calendar as a symbol of the triumph of friendship and peace, sports and humanism, as well as the unity and solidarity of our society," said the Turkmen leader in his congratulatory letter.

On the same day, a bicycle marathon concluded in Turkmenistan's capital, following a designated route along the Mary-Tejen-Ashgabat section of the high-speed Ashgabat-Turkmenabat highway.

Turkmen embassies abroad also organized bicycle rides to mark this significant day.