President of Turkmenistan Congratulates Leaders of Russia and India

President of Turkmenistan Congratulates Leaders of Russia and India
Celebration of Russia Day, Moscow, Russia (Photo:

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov of Turkmenistan sent heartfelt congratulations and best wishes on behalf of the people and Government, as well as personally, to President of Russia Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, and the entire Russian nation on the occasion of Russia Day.

"With deep satisfaction, I would like to emphasize the high level and dynamic development of the traditionally friendly relations between Turkmenistan and the Russian Federation, which are a true example of trust, equality, and mutual respect," President Berdimuhamedov said in his congratulatory message to the Russian leadership.

According to official Turkmen media, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov also extended sincere congratulations to Narendra Modi on his victory in the general parliamentary elections and his re-election as Prime Minister of the Republic of India.

In his congratulatory message to Narendra Modi, the President expressed his heartfelt wishes for good health, well-being, and great success in all endeavors for the progress and prosperity of the friendly nation of India.