Iran Backs Turkmenistan's Efforts to Enter New Energy Markets

Iran Backs Turkmenistan's Efforts to Enter New Energy Markets
Workers adjust a pipeline valve at the Tawke oil field near Duhok.

The Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Turkmenistan said that the new agreements signed recently have become an important step and a reliable basis for increasing gas cooperation and strengthening the well-being of the countries. This was stated by Iranian Ambassador to Turkmenistan Ali Mojtaba Ruzbekhani. This is reported by

The diplomat recalled that within the framework of this energy partnership and the use of the potential capabilities of the countries, the parties reached promising agreements in early July in Ashgabat.

Thus, the interested parties signed a contract for the purchase and sale of Turkmen natural gas in the volume of up to 10 billion cubic meters per year, which will be supplied to the Republic of Iraq through the territory of Iran under the "SWAP" scheme.

In this regard, the Ambassador said that Iran fully supports the initiatives of the National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and President Serdar Berdimuhamedov related to the energy policy, which is aimed at gaining new positions in the market and practical implementation of transnational projects.

Also according to the results of the July meetings, in order to increase gas exports to Iran, a 125-kilometer gas pipeline will be laid on the territory of Turkmenistan and 3 gas compressor stations will be built. These projects contribute to the growth of Turkmen gas supplies up to 40 billion cubic meters per year through the Dovletabat-Serakhs-Hangeran route and through the Chaloyuk gas metering station.

Source: THP