Balkan Farmers Produce 80,000 Tons of Wheat Annually

Balkan Farmers Produce 80,000 Tons of Wheat Annually
Harvesting in Turkmenistan

Agriculture forms the backbone of the economy of the district. Farmers from the Daýhan ädimi agricultural association, vegetable growers from daikhan unions and greenhouse farms, as well as private sector gardeners contribute significantly to the national food program.

Over the years of independence, a robust and modern agro-industrial complex has developed in the Bereket and Gyzylarbat districts, becoming a major producer of various agricultural products under state orders, including wheat and raw cotton.

Each year, the farmers of the province deliver around 80,000 tons of "ak bugday" (white wheat) to the state's granaries, while cotton growers contribute 16,000 tons of "white gold," a valuable raw material for the domestic textile industry.

The processing of raw cotton takes place at the Gyzylarbat Joint-Stock Company "Balkandokma" and the private enterprise "Batly gadam" in Balkanabat, whose yarn and hosiery products are in high demand both domestically and internationally.

In the year of "The Ocean of Wisdom – Magtymguly Pyragy," the province’s silk producers also achieved great success, fulfilling their personal contractual obligations to the state by delivering 25 tons of white silkworm cocoons.


Source: Neutral Turkmenistan Newspaper