Entrepreneurs Develop Raw Materials in Lebap Province

Entrepreneurs Develop Raw Materials in Lebap Province
Individual enterprises and economic societies from different regions of the country take the initiative to establish production of many types of building materials from local raw materials in the region.

Entrepreneurs of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan actively involved in the development of mineral resources of Magdanly-Garlyk district in the south-east of Lebap province. Individual Enterprise Mizemez gadam started the production of tar paper. The company is now building mini-factory for the mass production of the material.

Individual enterprises and economic societies from different regions of the country take the initiative to establish production of many types of building materials from local raw materials in the region. Among them – Hilli gurlushyk onumleri, Shir gurlushyk, Arassa kenar and others. The high-quality of putty, plaster, dry mixes, drywall, facing plates, electrodes, calcium carbide and other types of building materials can meet the needs of construction companies of the country.

Indeed, the wealth of this mountainous region is inexhaustible. More than 30 types of minerals have been found in its depths, including the rarest ones – germanium and celestine, which are indispensable in the electronics industry. The concept of industrial development of cities and towns in Koytendag district, which gave a powerful impetus to the industrial development of natural resources of the region, is developed.

Important state investment projects have been implemented in the region, including the construction of the Lebap cement plant with an annual production capacity of 1 million tons of cement, which meets the highest international standards. It is no coincidence that significant part of Lebap cement is currently exported. Local entrepreneurs project to construct another complex for the production of potash fertilizers and a new cement plant with production capacity of 1 million tons a year. The production of both will be supplied with raw material.

The effective work of Kundzhek Mine Department of the Turkmendashlary State Enterprise for the production of wide range of non-metallic building materials should be noted. It annually supplies more than 1 million tons of various types of gravel, crushed stone and other inert materials to road transport infrastructure facilities, construction sites for industrial and social purposes.

Berdimyrat Jumayev, Turkmenistan Golden Age

March 17, 2025