Specialists in Dashoguz Test New Sort of Cotton

Specialists in Dashoguz Test New Sort of Cotton
Specialists of the research and production testing center in Gubadag etrap of Dashoguz velayat test the new medium-fiber cotton variety Dashoguz-150.

Specialists of the research and production testing center in Gubadag etrap of Dashoguz velayat test the new medium-fiber sort of cotton, Dashoguz-150, by sowing on experimental plot.

In terms of germination and development, resistance to temperature and other key indicators, the Dashoguz-150 is not inferior to the Dashoguz-120, which is peculiar to the northern region of Turkmenistan.

The comprehensive comparative analysis will determine the prospects of the new sort of cotton for the regionalization and use in the textile industry.

Local agricultural researchers expect good results from Dashoguz-150 in terms of germination in local natural and climatic conditions, disease resistance, yield and fiber productivity, strength, length and breaking load. They also expect the same results from six more selection samples, which are currently being developed by the research team.

Cotton-growing is one of the main branches of agricultural production in Dashoguz velayat. There are large specialized farms and modern production facilities for the processing of seed cotton in the northern region.