Turkmenabat Chemical Plant Starts Production of Shoe Creams

Turkmenabat Chemical Plant Starts Production of Shoe Creams
Based on orders of automotive battery manufacturers, Turkmenabat Chemical Plant produced 11 tons of electrolytes in January.

Turkmenabat Chemical Plant with a 60-year history has begun production of shoe cream. The chemical plant, located in the northeastern Turkmenistan, initially plans to produce the tested creams based on orders.

Based on orders of automotive battery manufacturers, the factory produced 11 tons of electrolytes in January. Last month, the company also produced 21 thousand cubic meters of gaseous oxygen.

Turkmenabat Chemical Plant, built in 1960 to produce agricultural fertilizers, launched the production of thousands of tons of superphosphate. The company is developing the production of aluminum fluoride, oxygen, plastic films and bags, and sulfuric acid.

In 1993, the company was awarded the Brilliant Star award of the International Committee for the Selection of the National Marketing Institute, consisting of experts in the field of marketing and communications in America and various European countries, for the high quality of its products.

The chemical plant currently produces polyethylene pipes, phosphate fertilizers, sulfuric acid, electrolyte, oxyhumate, and water glass from quartz sand.

Turkmenabat Chemical Plant, which is one of the country’s largest chemical facilities, employs about 1,400 people.

March 17, 2025