Greenhouse in Northeastern Turkmenistan Grows Flowers

Greenhouse in Northeastern Turkmenistan Grows Flowers
The greenhouse enterprise grows five species of roses, over 80 types of indoor flowers, and dozens of types of ornamental plants and trees.

The greenhouse enterprise of Bashim Haldurdyyev in Lebap velayat’s Charjev etrap in the northeastern Turkmenistan grows over 80 types of indoor flowers.

According to the businessman, bright and colorful flowers, and subtropical trees, including citrus fruits, are also grown in the greenhouse all year round.

Haldurdyyev said five species of roses, over 80 types of indoor flowers, dozens of types of ornamental plants and trees, as well as subtropical plants - banana, papaya, lemon, and 5 types of palm trees are grown in the greenhouse.

The greenhouse complex employs around 20 specialists.

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