Membership at Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan

Membership at Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan
Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan was established in 2008.

Who can become a member of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan (UIET)?

In accordance with the Law of Turkmenistan "On the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan" (as amended), members of the Union may be individuals and legal entities of Turkmenistan and foreign states carrying out entrepreneurial activities on the basis of private and (or) mixed (combined) forms of ownership. Holdings, groups, unions (associations) of companies can be members of the Union and act on behalf of their structures.

In order to protect the rights and legitimate interests of business entities, to promote the development of entrepreneurship in Turkmenistan, and to rally business entities, local business entities, whose annual turnover of entrepreneurial activity is more than 1250 times the minimum wage established in Turkmenistan, carrying out entrepreneurial activities on the basis of private ownership, should become members of the Union.

To become a member of the Union, individuals and legal entities of Turkmenistan and foreign states carrying out entrepreneurial activities on the basis of private and (or) mixed (combined) forms of ownership can contact the central office of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan or the regional offices of the Union.

What rights and obligations do members of the Union have?

Members of the Union have the right:

  • enjoy the professional support and protection of the Union, and the services specified in its Charter;
  • elect and be elected to the governing bodies of the Union;
  • within the framework of the Union's powers, apply with a written request to the Union and receive a reasoned response, make proposals to improve the organization of its work;
  • participate in the management of the Union in the manner prescribed by the Law of Turkmenistan "On the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan (as amended)" and the Charter of the Union;
  • study, improve qualifications, undergo retraining at courses organized by the Union, including on a paid basis;
  • receive information and evaluation professional support, including the services of independent experts in various fields;
  • hear a report on the activities of the Union in the manner prescribed by the Charter of the Union;
  • enjoy other rights provided for by the legislative acts of Turkmenistan.

In addition, the Union, in relation to members of large associations (associations) of entrepreneurs created by the Union and being a member of the Union, can act as a guarantor for their entrepreneurial projects, and for their participation in the fulfillment of state orders, state financing, provision of loans and targeted privatization of state property.

Duties of the members of the Union:

Members of the Union are obliged to comply with the requirements of the Charter of the Union by paying compulsory contributions and, at the request of the Union, provide information on their non-confidential activities.

Source: Rysgal newspaper, 14.09.2020