Turkmenistan’s Mejlis Adopts Laws Regulating Public-Private Partnership, Company Naming

Turkmenistan’s Mejlis Adopts Laws Regulating Public-Private Partnership, Company Naming
The deputies of the Mejlis also adopted Law on joining the Customs Convention on Containers.

The Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh, a bicameral parliament of Turkmenistan, during an online session last Saturday adopted a number of laws, including a Law on public-private partnership, a Law on Company Names and a new edition of the Law on Education, the country’s official media reports.

The new Law on public-private partnership defines the legal basis for public-private partnership, the ways of its implementation and regulates relations arising in the process of preparing and implementing a public-private partnership project, according to the report.

One of the goals of the Law on public-private partnership is reportedly to ensure a balance of interests and risks, to attract extra-budgetary funds for the implementation of projects, plans and programs for the development of infrastructure facilities.

The new Law of Turkmenistan on company names establishes the requirements for assigning corporate names to entrepreneurial legal entities of the country, regulates relations arising in the field of their legal protection.

During the session, the deputies of the Mejlis also adopted different laws on joining the Customs Convention on Containers, on joining the Convention on Customs Treatment of Pool Containers used in International Transport, on amendments to the Law of Turkmenistan on tenders for supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state needs, on Amendments and Additions to the Law of Turkmenistan on Fishing and conservation of aquatic biological resources, on additions and changes to the Law of Turkmenistan on Migration and many other laws.

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