Monday Export Trades at Turkmen Commodity Exchange: $25.5 Million

Monday Export Trades at Turkmen Commodity Exchange: $25.5 Million
The companies from Turkey and Afghanistan purchased 15 tons of hydrotreated diesel fuel for a total amount of $18.6 million.

The State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan (SCRMET) during Monday trades registered 48 deals for a total of $25.5 million and 32.4 million manats.

The Afghan businesses purchased 1.9 thousand tons of liquefied gas. During the trades, its price decreased by $0.80 compared to the previous trading and amounted to $566 per ton. The total amount of transactions for the LNG exceeded $1 million, the SCRMET announced on Tuesday.

The Afghan businesses also procured 3.3 thousand tons of A-92 gasoline. Its price rose by 1.9% to $1,044.5 per ton compared to the previous auction. The total amount of transactions for the product amounted to $3.3 million.

On the same day, the companies from Turkey and Afghanistan purchased 15 tons of hydrotreated diesel fuel for a total amount of $18.6 million. The Turkish and Afghan companies also bought 3.7 thousand tons of straight-run gasoline. The sum of all these fuel deals amounted to $2.4 million.

For the domestic market, the local businesses bought more than 1.6 thousand tons of high density polyethylene of T60-475-119 brand, cotton yarn, and handmade carpets. The total amount of transactions exceeded 32.4 million manats.

Established in 1994, the SCRMET is the main body regulating export-import operations in Turkmenistan.


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